Benefits of Cucumbers For Patients with Hypertension

Cucumber a plant that has the Latin name Curcumin sativus is a type of fruit that is believed to be able to overcome the problem of hypertension that many people experience. This fruit is often eaten raw and served as fresh vegetables and as one of the fruits in the salad composition. Cucumber is also commonly used for masks and has properties for facial beauty. Cucumbers are produced from vines that grow from seeds. It has downy stems and leaves have long and wide stems.

Cucumbers already existed in the Asian region about 300 years ago, and therefore people in the Asian region are already familiar with cucumbers. Since Roman times, cucumbers have been used both to deal with insect bites such as scorpions and can also be used to compress eyes that are tired due to staying up late and caused by several other things. Some people consume cucumber and make cucumber juice to relieve thirst during the summer. This is because cucumbers have a cool content when consumed.

Types and Content in Cucumbers

Cucumber is known as one fruit that has several types, including the cucumber Watang, Turus, Suri, and Krai. Some types of cucumbers have different forms. However, in general, the cucumbers that we know have an oval shape in green. Although cucumber looks like a simple fruit, because it does not have sweet, sour, bitter and bitter taste like some other fruits, but cucumbers have various contents. Some of the ingredients contained in cucumbers include:

Substance Saponin.
Cucumbers are referred to as fruits that have saponin substances because cucumbers secrete mucus. Although mucus in cucumbers is rarely found when cucumbers are a bit old, but when cucumbers are small and still young, when slicing the fruit will come out liquid like mucus from the part we sliced.

Vitamin E.
Vitamin E in cucumbers can help inhibit the aging process that occurs. In addition, vitamin E in cucumbers can also eliminate wrinkles on the skin. That is why, many people use cucumber as a mask.

Caffeic acid.
If irritation occurs, cucumber can be used as one solution, because despite having the sap, cucumber has caffeic acid content in it. Caffeic acid has a function to relieve irritations that occur on the skin. In addition to reducing skin irritation, caffeic acid can also reduce the buildup of fluid under the skin.

Vitamin C.
Although cucumbers do not have a sour taste like fruit with vitamin C like others, cucumbers have a lot of vitamin C contained in them. Consuming cucumbers can meet the needs of vitamin C needed by the body, so it can avoid canker sores and problems that arise due to lack of other vitamin C. Vitamin C in cucumbers also has the benefit of increasing levels of glutathione or amino acids which have antioxidant properties.

Linoleic acid.
After conducting research, cucumbers contain linoleic acid which has antioxidant properties. In this case, like the function of antioxidants in general, antioxidants in cucumbers can also help prevent damage to body cells that occur due to cancer-causing free radicals, heart disease, and can reduce levels of fat in the body.

The content of cucumbers in general that is very much, such as calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, minerals, iron, and vitamins. Of the many contents, that is why cucumbers are called fruit that can overcome one type of disease, namely hypertension.

Efficacy of Cucumber For Hypertension
Cucumber becomes one of the fruits that has the property to reduce blood pressure, so it can prevent and overcome hypertension. The content contained in cucumbers can reduce because it has a high content of potassium, magnesium and fiber. These three ingredients are believed to reduce blood pressure in the body. High potassium in cucumbers can help reduce high blood pressure well. One type of this mineral has a very important role to control blood pressure in the body. Antioxidants in cucumbers produced from vitamin C in them can also help reduce high blood pressure.

Cucumbers also contain sodium content, but the sodium content in cucumbers is very low. If the body has a lot of sodium, the body will get high blood pressure, if it has already happened, it will be difficult to cure. With a low sodium content, cucumbers can prevent and treat hypertension or high blood pressure.

How to cultivate cucumbers to overcome hypertension

As you well know, cucumbers can be eaten directly. But to increase the appetite for consuming cucumbers so they are not monotonous, cucumbers can be consumed in various ways namely:
  1. Cucumber juice. In order to get doubled properties, consuming cucumbers can be done by making cucumber juice by adding several other types of fruit vegetables. In this way, in one gulp many benefits can be obtained from the cucumber itself and various mixed fruits in other cucumber juices.
  2. Cucumber juice. Another way is to only take cucumber water, because in the cucumber water there are many substances in it. In addition, by taking cucumber water by squeezing it, the content in cucumber fruit will be more easily absorbed by the intestine compared to consuming cucumbers directly.
Cucumbers can indeed effectively reduce hypertension or blood pressure in the body. The content in it supports to reduce hypertension. But to note is, when the blood pressure is initially high again back to normal, consuming cucumbers can be done only occasionally. This is because, if consuming cucumbers in excess amounts when in a state of normal blood pressure, can cause blood pressure to decrease. When blood pressure becomes very low, the body will become weak due to low blood pressure.

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