16 Extraordinary Benefits of Bamboo Leaf Yellow

Do you know if the bamboo leaves can be used as herbal medicine? Bamboo is a grass that similar plants has many benefits for human life. As one type of grass, bamboo is the fastest growing grass among other types of grass. Did you know There are many types of bamboo plants in the world. Bamboo forest itself can be found in the country's bamboo curtain, China.

16 Extraordinary Benefits of Bamboo Leaf Yellow
Although the type of grass, bamboo plants can be useful starting as groceries up to the treatment, the bamboo which has strong tree structure used as a furniture material. 

Not infrequently, bamboo is also used as an ornamental plant to beautify the home page. And one more thing that probably is not yet widely known, bamboo can be useful as a medicinal herb.

Even in China, bamboo has been used and perceived usefulness in the medical world since time immemorial.

Unique facts Bamboo

Before discussing too much about the benefits of bamboo leaves, There are some unique facts about bamboo plants, namely:
  • Bamboo plant can cope with air pollution became a very good absorber of carbon dioxide among other crops.
  • Bamboo became the object of much art Chinese artists.
  • Bamboo is a plant that is resistant from a variety of extreme weather conditions even though.
  • Bamboo has a very strong tree structure.
  • Bamboo has the ability to absorb the bad odor.
  • Bamboo can neutralize temperature. If in cold temperatures bamboo can make the temperature gets warm, and in hot temperatures could cool the hot temperatures bamboo is.

The content and Bamboo Leaf Health Benefits

Efficacy leaf turns yellow bamboo has been known in various regions around the world. In China, bamboo leaves already very commonly used as a medicinal herb useful for treating a variety of health problems. Many studies say, bamboo leaves are an excellent source of flavonoids. The content serves as an antioxidant that can help the body to fight and prevent various diseases. The following are the various benefits of bamboo leaves:

# 1. Treating Pain Fever
Bamboo leaves and stems can be used as a highly potent drug fever. In China, it has been known since long. How to take advantage of this one piece of bamboo is by collecting them in advance. Then, bamboo leaves that have been collected have to go through a drying process. Subsequently, the dried bamboo leaves crushed and brewed with warm water. Drinks in patients with fever.

# 2. Relieves Feeling Anxious
Dried bamboo leaves can also be useful to reduce feelings of anxiety, feelings of anxiety and restlessness are common accompanying symptoms such as fever, can also be times of depression or stress.

# 3. Preventing Cancer
Known bamboo leaves high in antioxidants that can keep the body from free radical attack. Thus, bamboo leaves can be used as herbs for the prevention of diseases such as cancer is a deadly disease or heart disease.

# 4. Treating Wounds in Skin
Skin wounds such as wounds caused by scratches or other wounds on the skin can cause scars that are very disturbing. In addition, the state of the wound can become more of if left and entered by a variety of bacteria that attach to and enter the body through the wound. Antibacterial properties in bamboo leaves could be useful as a drug because the wounds on the skin can kill bacteria in the wound.
# 5. Overcoming Menstrual Disorders
Some women may have a menstrual cycle or irregular menstruation, but also many women who experience menstrual cycle which can not be predicted, even more tortured again, menstruation is often accompanied by pain. Usefulness bamboo leaves can be used to treat a variety of disorders of the menstrual. By regularly taking the herbs of bamboo leaves will help expedite menstruation, normalize the menstrual cycle, treat excessive bleeding and overcome the pain that accompanies the arrival of menstruation.

# 6. Treating Infections
Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory contained in bamboo leaves, can be a good source of medicine to cure the infection and bleeding that accompanies it.

# 7. Treating Pain Diarrhea
In a country like India, bamboo leaves are widely used as a drug to treat a variety of disorders in the digestive system. Bamboo leaves is known to contain content that is good enough to overcome illness such as diarrhea and help the digestive system. Another effect of bamboo leaves cool if you experience stomach that feels hot and tender like after eating spicy food.

# 8. Helps Kill Worms in the Stomach
Worms in the stomach can interfere with the digestive system. In children, stomach worms conditions can interfere with the process of growth because many nutrients from foods instead absorbed by the worms. Use bamboo leaves to help aid the stomach worms especially tapeworms.

# 9. Overcoming High Blood Pressure
In bamboo leaves, contained many types of minerals that are needed by the body. One of which is potassium which can serve as lowering high blood pressure and normalize back. In addition, potassium also can be useful for maintaining the overall health of our body.

# 10. Treating Nosebleeds
The content in the leaves and stalks of bamboo can also be a potent drug to treat bleeding in the nose or commonly called a nosebleed. The use of bamboo for nosebleeds drug is usually more widely used in children.

# 11. Helps Treat Lung Inflammation
Bamboo leaf does have a slightly bitter taste. However, make no mistake, even though it was bitter bamboo leaves could be alternative drugs for inflammation in the lungs. The trick is to first dry it, then brewed or boiled with water.

# 12. Cure cough with phlegm
Part - bamboo section does have properties and benefits of its own. For leaves, the content in it can cope with the production of excess mucus or phlegm. The production of mucus is usually caused by a disturbance in the lung - the lung. Such circumstances can cause symptoms such as coughing. If left unchecked, the condition of interference with the production of mucus can affect and interfere with the functioning of the brain.

# 13. Treating Epilepsy
The content in bamboo leaves can also be useful for the treatment of epilepsy. How to use it as well as the use of bamboo leaves for sputum drug that is by drying it first.

# 14. Treating Tuberculosis Disease
Tibetans often use bamboo leaves as a so-called Ayurvedic herb remedy cure of tuberculosis. This is because in bamboo leaves contain a substance called tabasheer and one type of the mineral silica which can serve to overcome tuberculosis disease is.

# 15. Treating Sore Throat
Ingredients such as anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial in bamboo leaves can be used to treat pain in the throat. Can also be used to cure the common cold and sinusitis.

# 16. Nourish Skin and Hair
Many beauty products today many are using bamboo as one of its main ingredients, because bamboo can be useful to help nourish hair and restore the luster of the hair and discolor naturally. Not infrequently, bamboo can also be used as an ingredient for making aromatherapy.

For additional information, bamboo leaves also contain other substances which are very useful for human health. Ingredients are:
  • Stimulant substances
  • Astringent substances
  • Substance Febrifuge
  • Substance Tonic
  • Substance Antispasmodic
  • Substance Aphrodisiac
  • Bamboo Leaf Side Effects

For use as a medicine or for other consumption purposes, there are some things you should consider as a layer or fine hairs on fresh bamboo leaves can cause itching. Although the side effects of bamboo leaves others is not yet known, but it may have an effect is not good for some categories below, namely:
  • Pregnant women
  • Nursing mothers, and
  • Patients with thyroid disorders
  • Some people may develop allergies in bamboo leaves yellow

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