9 Benefits of Coffee for Diet

Coffee is one of the favorite drink for many people. Good for teens, even to those who ate dark coffee has a taste of its own. Even as the modernization era, the coffee variety is also more developed. You are no longer only found as a regular black coffee stained grandparents you consume each in the morning. Now many kinds.
For example civet coffee, white coffee, coffee late, Arabian, moccachino coffee, coffee, milk, and so on. Coffe lover also growing and many, because they already have a different flavor. No stranger to that now you see on the roadside shop or coffee bean coffee appetizing.

Coffee Composition
There are a variety of types of coffee is sold in the market. For example Arabica have large ore containing 1.1% Karen. In addition there robusta characterized by small ore containing 2.2% caffeine. Another composition that is strong enough besides caffeine are flavonoids, chlorogenik acid, antioxidants, and several copies were made directly contains cafestol and kahweol.
Coffee Research To Diet
Good news for those who love coffee and who have excess body weight above ideal. Because according to recent research conducted by Katherine Zeratsky, RD, LD (nutrition experts from the Mayo Clinic) explains that caffeine can help a bit to lose weight and prevent weight gain itself. (Quoted in kompas.com, December 6, 2011). Therefore coffee has a potential function for the diet. As to whether the copies in question?

1. Lose weight
Benefits of Coffee for Diet
One of the components that must be in coffee is caffeine substances. This substance makes you addicted to cause side effects than caffeine itself is causing opiate properties. It turns out the caffeine in coffee benefits to the diet can increase the body's metabolism. So that the system works the body is also getting faster.
Therefore, the body requires more calories to be burned. As a result a lot of fat to be sacrificed as an energy provider. From this aspect of caffeine can stimulate the body to burn more.

2. Menu for Diet
Your bitter taste in coffee? Yep that's what would make a great coffee menu for the diet. The bitter taste is an indication that a low calorie content. Thus reducing the risk of obesity. Another story if you still make coffee with a sweet taste. You enter the diet program, but still uses the high calorie sugar triggers. This method fails to make coffee diet.

3. Fillers stomach
Coffee although containing low calorie and low sugar, it also has an effect on appetite. When you drink a warm cup of coffee, the bitter taste impression on the tongue. In psychological effects, capable of lowering the level of your appetite. Therefore, most parents who skip breakfast just a cup of coffee already feel full.

4. Maintain body
People who entered the stage of the diet, they reduce the size of the meal of rice and all sorts of foods that contain a lot of calories. Sometimes they force the stomach to not consume anything, except drinks. One solution trick you by choosing the benefits of coffee for diet. The content of flavonoids and antioxidants in chlorogenik acids can counteract free radicals. Thus helping to maintain a healthy body.

5. Improve Mood
Many people claim to stress diet when diet do not go giving results. They will lose the mood especially to perform its obligations activities. One of overcoming it with a cup of coffee can improve your mood. According to the Harvard study, the content of dopamine and serotonin produced caffeine is able to escape from the brain and make you happy.

6. Reduce the risk of diabetes
One disease that is often a scourge today is diabetes. For most sufferers are overweight more. Benefits of coffee for diabetes by consuming up to 4 cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of diabetes (those who are overweight). This happens because the chlorogenic acid and trigonelline contained in coffee improve insulin productivity.

7. Reduce cholesterol problems
Cholesterol has become a common problem for people who are overweight. Because the content of common foods they eat have a high cholesterol content. Therefore, consumption of instant coffee were able to control your cholesterol. Because the instant coffee, cafestol content and kahweol been absorbed into the paper.

8. Streamline stomach
This method may need to try, because the benefits of coffee to be used for slimming diet stomach not to be drunk. However you use it as a mask to your abdomen. Some people claim to succeed. How to brew coffee with warm water. Then applied to the abdomen. Wait about 30 minutes then rinse with warm water. Although not yet clinically tested, but how this should be tried.

9. Substitute rice while
Coffee consumption can be used to replace rice. Because the content of caffeine triggers fat to burn calories. So that when you exercise before drinking a cup of coffee, enough stored energy to your stamina. So it is very suitable to replace the rice while.

Keep in mind when you consume coffee:

The addition of sugar and enough cream
If you like coffee with a bitter taste, certainly does not require any additional sugar and cream. Unfortunately, if you're in a diet program, the addition of too much sugar also ruin your diet program. To that solution is to add just enough sugar dose.
Balance water
The content in coffee is able to make yourself dehydrated. To that end, after drinking coffee balance yourself by drinking a glass of water. This prevents your body of water and mineral deficiencies.
Balance food neutralizing
It has been mentioned that the benefits of coffee for diet able prevent appetite. Even so then you just a cup of coffee without any consumption. This is not good for you, even damage the body's systems. The solution with the consumption of foods containing vegetable. For example, salad and fruit. Both of these foods are able to supplement your nutritional needs.
Control of Drinking Coffee
The most difficult to do is to control myself not to drink coffee. Consumption every day it increased the risk of heart disease. Levels of caffeine works is not good on the body if you constantly consumed.

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