5 Health Secret ice cream

Who doesn't like ice cream? Soft and cold food is sure to become a favorite for us residents of tropical countries. But did you know?, it turns out that many health secrets behind the ice cream, which we rarely notice. Good or bad?

5 Health Secret ice creamWho doesn't like ice cream? Soft and cold food is sure to become a favorite for us residents of tropical countries. Interested in the ice cream as well as spoiled by the manufacturers of ice cream with a variety of flavors, ingredients of the mixture and form a hard number is calculated.

Starting from a home-made up of mass products company well-known ice cream seems to always have a place in the hearts of all people. However, it turns out that there are health secrets behind the ice cream, which we rarely notice. Good or bad? Following his medical reviews:

Ice cream and headaches
For some ice cream can cause headaches. These complaints usually a sharp throbbing headache in the forehead area that occurs 30-60 minutes after consuming food or beverages cold as ice cream. These headaches usually disappear after 5-10 minutes. This is because the excitation of cold on the wall over the oral cavity turns can stimulate a headache.

Ice cream and acne
A study conducted by a University in Singapore against 44 people aged 18-30 years showed that the consumption of foods high in carbohydrates, dairy and ice cream did indeed have an effect on the appearance of acne.
So, to the question of the relationship of acne and ice cream, it doesn't hurt to limit the intake of Your ice cream.


Ice cream and Weight
One medium-size ice cream scoop can contain 133 calories, while 1 cup of ice cream can contain 267 calories. These include additional calorie calories of additional ingredients such as nuts, chocolate chip, chocolate sauce, fruit sauce, and more. 
Ice cream consumption of excessive and uncontrolled definitely causes weight gain.
Excessive calorie intake in the body will cause a build-up of fat more readily occur. With increasing fat deposits, then the weight will cause weight gain.
Create true ice cream lovers, you can mengkiatkannya with how to do exercise regularly in order to burn excessive calories.

Ice cream and a remedy sore throat
Sore throat caused by a virus can cause pain and discomfort is incredible. Warm drinks and food can help to reduce discomfort and thins mucus.
However, in some children or adults, drink or cold foods can help reduce the pain due to inflammation that occurs in the area of the throat.
Soft ice cream will be easily swallowed up and the feeling of cold can help relieve the pain as well as soothing the throat area.
So, ice cream can to relieve the pain of throat because its cool. In contrast to the perception of this long outstanding, can instead be cough and even suggested eating ice cream for the purpose of relieving pain in throat (soothing effect).
Interest in trying?

Ice cream and fertility
The researchers from Harvard, chaired by Dr. Jorge e. Chavarro found that those who consume low-fat dairy products a lot more who are having problems in the production of the egg rather than with the women who consume high-fat dairy products. It is not that the women can consume excessive fat with. Too fat or too skinny can lead to fertility problems. A balanced consumption of fat needed to maintain balance in the body's hormonal women. by consuming ice cream are not excessive can help balance your intake of fats that can effect positive against the fertility of women.
As the saying goes, anything exaggeration it's no good. Thus, the consumption of ice cream is in a reasonable amount and make sure you set the pattern of eating and vigorous work to maintain your health.

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