Four types of stomach and methods of dealing with them

Flat stomach - it's a dream, and for many it seems unattainable. Read about the four types of stomach and methods of struggle with each of them.

If you can not lose weight and achieve a beautiful, flat stomach, you are likely to do something wrong. Read how to act depending on what type of your stomach.

1. Bloating

In the morning, a tummy flatter than in the evening, due to flatulence and digestive disorders.

This type occurs as the stomach in obese women and lean, and may be associated with food intolerances, allergies, or "lazy bowel" which arose due to an unbalanced diet. Also bloating can be due to lactose intolerance, yeast alcohol, wheat gluten or gluten. It is recommended to analyze and to exclude from your diet those groups of foods that cause inflammation.

If you are faced with the syndrome lazy stomach, try to train him to eat unfamiliar foods.

  • Do not overeat at night.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Eat beneficial probiotics to stimulate the intestinal microflora.
2. Postpartum abdomen

Postpartum abdomen can be reduced gradually with the help of proper nutrition.

After pregnancy, the uterus drops and becomes more severe. Perhaps you will need about six weeks to make it back to normal size, though often it takes more time.

Do not start doing the exercises immediately after birth - the body needs to recover and the uterus to return to the tone, which will take at least two months. Therefore, at this time do not think about anything but the newfound joys of motherhood.

When the time comes and your doctor will allow physical activities, it is recommended to drink away a course of vitamin supplements with fish oil as they help burn fat and reduce the production of hormones that cause a strong sense of hunger.

Another way to return the stomach beautiful shape - eat a lot of fatty acids (for example, contained in avocados, salmon and chia seeds), which contain a lot of nutrients, fight fatigue and promote the absorption of vitamins by the body.

To stomach was strong and sturdy, it is necessary to strengthen the pelvic muscles, for example, with the help of Kegel exercises, not to swing the press, because these exercises are for the muscles in good shape.

3. Small low tummy

Typical belly women who lack the time. He appears, even when they go to the gym or sit on a diet, but eat the same and do the same exercise.

Other parts of the body look good, but the bulge in the abdomen spoils the silhouette.

With this type of abdominal exercises should not be abused in the press and other routine physical activities. They help burn fat in the hips, legs and arms, but not on the stomach.

Proper nutrition - the fundamental basis of a beautiful flat stomach. Thus we protect ourselves from constipation and inflammation. Eat more green leafy vegetables, cereals and fruits.

Alternating abdominal exercises with stretching and strength training. Do not forget about cardio exercises and aerobic endurance (sit-ups, jumping rope).

4. "Stress Stomach"

This type is characterized by a significant swelling of the abdomen in the area of ​​the diaphragm to the navel. This is not only unhealthy food, but also with the development of the hormone cortisol, which leads to the accumulation of fat around the stomach.

One of the best ways to get rid of the belly - more rest, so the body can recover and do not stick stress harmful goodies. Eat More nutritious foods, limit coffee consumption to one (maximum two) cups a day, do more exercises to relax, rather than aerobic exercise. Excellent fit yoga, tai chi, walking.

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