Cheap and effective: 10 sources of vitamins that do not cost a pretty penny

Approaching winter, and the body will have to repel the attacks of viruses and fight hypothermia. Read what products should be present in your diet so that the body was ready for scrapes.

To the body was ready for winter shocks, it is not necessary to run to the drugstore and spend money on vitamins, since they can be obtained from foods that just need to enter in your daily diet. Read what should be in your grocery basket:

1. Carrots
Carrots contain large amounts of vitamin A, essential for healthy eyes. Additionally, this vitamin is involved in the regeneration of cells, which accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers, and enhances immunity.

2. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds - an excellent source of vitamin E, which helps to speed up the healing process, especially during sore throat and bronchitis, improves skin and hair. He also has high immunostimulatory properties, helping the body to fight infections attacks.

3. Sauerkraut
The sauerkraut contains large amounts of vitamin C strengthens the immune system.

4. Potatoes
If you eat 300 grams of boiled potatoes per day, you can fully meet the body's need for carbohydrates, potassium and phosphorus. In addition, 100 grams of tubers young potatoes contain 20 mg of vitamin C, which helps the body fight disease.

5. Greens
Fresh herbs should be present in your diet every day. It contains vitamin R. It not only helps forestall heart disease, but also to avoid nosebleeds that often accompany a cold.

6. Walnuts
Walnuts - a real storehouse of a large number of B vitamins These substances are directly involved in the process of hematopoiesis and normalization of the nervous system, and improve the adaptive capacity of the organism.

7. Ginger
As fresh and dried ginger to contain large amounts of vitamins A and C. A ginger tea, salads, meat, and no virus will not prevail against you.
Read: Benefits of Ginger For Kidney and Body

8. Rosehip
From rosehip berries can be cooked the most powerful immune-stimulating drink - in the wild rose are vitamins A, C, E and Group B. Pour two tablespoons of dried or fresh berries liter of boiling water and drink the drink instead of tea.

9. Eggs
The chicken or quail eggs contain vitamin D. This vitamin is usually produced in the body when exposed to sunlight, but as the winter sun is not enough, you need to replenish its stocks of products. Otherwise deficiency manifested in immunocompromised, brittle hair and nails.

10. Garlic
The most powerful natural antibiotic. It contains allicin compound, ruthless to any pathogenic bacteria, and vitamin C, which stimulates the body's defenses.

Such cheap source of vitamins, hopefully this article useful, thank you.

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