Take this way Minus the Eyes

Who says that the eyes minus just simply overcome by the use of glasses? Healthy lifestyle remains extremely important to keep your eyes fixed to function properly.

Eye Myopia or myopic called minus much because of the reduced ability of seeing much but can see close to the better. Myopia occurs when the cornea and the lens too convex or the eyeball is too long, so the rays refracted focal points will be located in front of the retina.

Take this way Minus the Eyes
Basically, the shortsighted progressives far would be a stable start age 20 years, meaning that it will not be a minus, or if increased only slightly. There are several risk factors that can affect a person's presumed to tend to experience the myopia.

There are several risk factors that can affect a person's presumed to tend to experience a myopia, among them:

1. Genetic and Environmental
The prevalence of myopia in children with both parents myopia was 32.9%, however if the child with one parent myopia then reduced to 18.2% and less than 6.3% in children with parents without myopia.

2. Behavioral Factors
Duration of work at close range may affect the incidence of myopia in a person. See activity close long-term alleged also related to myopia through direct physical effects due to continuous accommodation, so it becomes high muscle tone and the lens becomes convex
a. read the book
Children with myopia is high read more often than children with no or low myopia myopia that is more than 2 books a week. Close work such as reading distance too close (< 30 cm) and long read (> 30 minutes) are suspected to increase the likelihood of the occurrence of myopia in children.
b. using a computer
Use a computer including activity seen up close. Therefore, it is feared the risk of occurrence of myopia can be increased in people who work with computers for 8-10 hours a day.
To care for the eyes already minus, it is advisable for patients to live a healthy lifestyle that is described on the following pages:
  • Train your eyes to see the view over long distances without the use of glasses. For example much trees are green, the mountains, hills, etc.
  • Set up a reading distance of 30 cm with enough light
  • Rest the eyes every time doing activities, reading or using the computer
  • Use eye protection when drove motorcycles, so that the eyes avoid dust and other substances
  • Eat foods that contain lots of antioxidants, such as dark green vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, and peppers
  • Consuming supplements containing eye nutrients for eye health in order to stay awake
  • For users of contact lenses, it is important to use a moisturizing eye so that the eyes remain moist and comfortable
However, is there any way to reduce the minus in the eyes?

Yes, the only way to reduce the minus is the medical action, i.e. to perform surgery on the cornea with a radial keratotomi, keratotomi fotorefraktif, or Laser-Asissted Interlamelar Keratomilieusis in situ (LASIK).

3 Vegetables Make Healthy Eyes

Not so hard to maintain eye health. In addition to the pattern of healthy living, you are quite routine consumes 3 vegetables here.

The eye is one of the important organs in the human body. Almost every activity we do relate to the eye, such as reading, watching television, and others. Therefore, maintaining eye health must be a top priority.

Treatment from the outside can be done by way of avoiding using eye makeup that's already older than 3 months, mainly in the form of liquid or cream such as mascara; wear sunglasses if are outdoors to protect themselves from UV-A and UV-B; as well as minimize the work in front of a computer screen constantly.

Care of in touch with daily food intake. consume fruits that routinely proven to be good for the eyes, such as avocados, oranges, papaya, and kiwi. Not only fruits, vegetables are also important for maintaining eye health.
1. Dark green vegetablesDark green vegetables are rich in antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. Two antioxidants are natural pigments that help prevent macular degeneration, which can cause blindness. Lutein can be found in spinach, lettuce, and broccoli. In the meantime there on zeaxanthin kale and spinach.
2. Carrots and sweet potatoes
According to research conducted at the University of Maryland Medical Center, people who eat a lot of foods that contain vitamin A, such as fresh carrots and sweet potatoes, have a lower risk of suffering from cataracts. The high content of beta-carotene in carrots also helps improve the clarity of the eyes, nyctalopia, prevent the occurrence and improve eyesight.
3. Bell Peppers
Peppers contain two types of vitamins that are important for the health of the eyes, namely, vitamin A and vitamin c. Vitamin A can prevent the onset of macular degeneration. While vitamin C can help prevent the onset of cataracts.
In addition to consuming foods above, you should also regularly consuming supplements containing the complete composition of the eye such as SOD, lutein, and zeaxanthin to maintain the health of your eyes.

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