Diagnosis of cancer: 10 anxiety symptoms that may indicate a disease.

Annually, 4.7 million men and 3.5 million women die from cancer worldwide. Half of the deaths occur in people aged 30 to 69 years. 

In many cases, early diagnosis of cancer can save a person's life. If you or any of your family members suffer from at least one of the signs listed below, this is an excuse to pass the examination with a specialist.

Diagnosis of cancer: 10 anxiety symptoms that may indicate a disease.
1. A persistent cough is a sign that can be indicative of lung cancer.

In most cases, early stages of lung cancer develop without symptoms, and coughing occurs when a person is already difficult to help. However, in some people, it may appear in the early stages of the disease, which may be indicated by prolonged coughing, chest pain and hemoptysis.

2. Changing the appearance of a mole is a sign of skin cancer.

Melanoma is a deadly kind of skin cancer, it can appear on any part of the body. Most often, melanomas appear on the back, arms, legs and face.

The most alarming sign is the appearance of a new birthmark or a modification of the old one. If the birthmark has increased in size, its color or shape has changed, itching or painful sensations on pressing, bleeding - you need to consult a specialist.

Characteristic distinctive features of melanoma: asymmetry, uneven edges, a combination of several colors (two or more shades), dimensions (most often melanoma more than 6 mm in diameter).

3. Unpleasant sensations in the intestine can be the first symptoms of cancer.

Irregular stools or diarrhea, the appearance of blood and pain in the abdomen, bloating and weight loss may indicate cancer of the intestine. Despite the fact that these symptoms are typical for many diseases, it is by no means impossible to ignore them.

4. The wounds do not heal for a long time.

If you are concerned for a long time with the pain caused by a wound in the mouth, it can be a symptom of cancer of the larynx or mouth. On average, cuts or other not too serious skin damage (affects all areas of the body) heal about a week. If a small wound does not heal for more than two weeks - always consult a doctor.

5. Constantly difficult swallowing.

If you have difficulty swallowing, this may indicate cancer of the esophagus. Difficulties with swallowing can also cause a number of other, less dangerous, diseases, but in most cases they pass after one or two weeks.

6. Unexplained weight loss.

Weight loss can signal the development of a number of malignant tumors. If your weight has decreased by more than four kilograms for no particular reason, go through the survey and find out what could have triggered such a change.

Most often, weight loss is observed in patients with pancreatic cancer, stomach, esophagus and lung cancer.

7. Problems with urination.

If you have trouble urinating (pain, bleeding, frequent urination), this may be an indication of the development of bladder cancer or prostate cancer. If you have any of these signs - go to the doctor for advice.

8. Modification of individual skin areas.

If on your body appeared modified areas (swelling, redness, denseness) - this may indicate skin cancer.

9. Prolonged pain without a cause.

The appearance of pain can accompany many types of cancer. Most often from acute pain suffer from cancer of bones and testicles.

Headache can be a symptom of brain cancer, and back pain is a sign of cancer of the colon or rectum, ovarian cancer.

10. Bleeding.

Bleeding can be a sign of many types of cancer, but most often it occurs in patients with cancer of the intestine, cervix or vulva. Coughing up the blood can be a sign of lung cancer, and blood in the stool is a sign of cancer of the colon or rectum.

Cervical or endometrial cancer can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding, blood in the urine is a sign of cancer of the bladder, kidney or prostate, and bloody discharge from the nipple can be symptoms of breast cancer.

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