Eight simple tricks for health for every day

Take the time to these little things, and you'll be healthier after a month! Remember that taking care of your health is not only right, but also very "fashionable."

We throughout the editors love the trend of a healthy lifestyle, which is now so popular amongst the stars and in Instagram. We are sure that the "fashion for health" should always exist and share simple tricks that will help support the body with minimal time.

1. Eat without being distracted
Eight simple tricks for health for every day
In the present rush, people are used to doing many things at the same time. We snack, scrolling sotsseti, or eat for watching your favorite TV series. Try to eat without being distracted. Philosophers call this "conscious nutrition".

If we pay all our attention to food intake, then we understand when we are hungry, and when we are full, we watch our emotions, and also smell, taste and texture of food.

2. Love the dark chocolate

Studies have shown that daily consumption of 45 grams of dark chocolate is beneficial for the heart, brain and in general for health. Of course, it is worth recalling that it is worth choosing dark chocolate with a content of cocoa, at least 70 percent, because it is cocoa that has useful properties.

3. Change the position of the body

If you sit all day or stand at a table, you may know a feeling of chronic stiffness or even pain in the lower back, neck, shoulders and legs. Our body is programmed to move, and therefore begins to give signals for many hours of immobility. Change the position of the body during the working day and try to find time to go for a walk. Even just walking through the office from one end to the other will already be useful.

4. Look into the distance

When you look at short distances, the ciliary muscles of the eyes contract. After all, these muscles get tired, which causes tension and a headache at the end of the day. Familiar?

To ciliary muscles of the eyes relax, it is enough to periodically look into the distance. Develop a habit every 20 minutes using a computer, phone, book, TV, etc. Take a 20-second break to look into the distance (in the window, at the flower at the other end of the room, at the ceiling).

5. Apply the rule "without technology"

Most of us suffer in varying degrees from technological dependence, which contributes to stress, depression and sleep disorders. For a few hours a day, take it as a rule to put off all electronic devices and read a book, cook something, go out for a cup of tea, take a walk in the park or talk with your relatives. You will be surprised how much this will change your mood and will give a rush of strength.

6. Do a scrub with sea salt

Did you notice how good the skin looks after a vacation at sea? This is largely due to sea salt, which is contained in the water. Sea salt is a natural remedy for the protection and recovery of our body and skin, it is rich in magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium. Periodically, make a scrub with sea salt, adding a little oil to it and rubbing it into the skin.

7. Take off your heels

With the advent of spring more and more women again get out of the closet shoes with heels. Do not wear them every day, given the damage they do to the feet, knees and back. Shoes with flat soles have many more advantages, and you can go through them much longer

8. Stop eating before you get enough

Most often people overeat before discomfort and regret, because the human stomach can stretch. However, overeating leads to excess weight and problems with digestion.

Do you want to feel light and energetic after eating? When you start eating, try to assess how hungry you are on a scale from 0 (very hungry) to 10 (overweight), and set aside the cutlery when you reached the 7th. Cover the plate with a napkin, move it aside and say to yourself: "I'm full".


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