10 Steps: The Path to Perfect Skin

Whatever the ideal skin was, sooner or later, however, there are minor troubles in the form of a nasty pimple or, worse, wrinkles. But all problems are solved - the main thing, the proper care of the face.

How to choose a cream by skin type ?

Some of the most common skin complaints (such as peeling, redness and pimples) are associated with choosing the wrong caregiver. Here are a few simple tips:
  • For oily and combination skin, water-based creams are recommended, without alcohol and oils. 
  • If the skin is prone to acne, choose not a cream, but a lotion or gel with the mark "not medicated". 
  • If you have dry skin, choose a cream with a saturated texture and hyaluronic acid or glycerin: they attract moisture from the environment. 
10 Steps: The Path to Perfect Skin

How to take care of sensitive skin ?

Sensitive skin
can be both dry and oily, so it requires a more careful and carefully selected care. If your face reacts with reddening to every new product, the sun or the cold, then most likely it relates to this type.

Therefore, first of all your care products and decorative cosmetics should not contain perfumes - the most common cause of allergies. Instead of scrub, use a delicate peeling with lactic acid. Finally, the chemical sunscreen is replaced with a cream with mineral filters (zinc oxide and titanium dioxide).

How to properly moisturize the skin ?

Everyone knows that the main sign of healthy and young skin is the maximum level of its hydration. However, not everyone knows how to properly saturate the epidermis with much-needed moisture. Start with a means for washing. It must simultaneously clean, not drying the skin (the base - vegetable oils) and remove the old cells. This stage is necessary, since no cream can penetrate through the layer of dead cells. In the morning, after cleansing, apply a light moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid and with SPF, and then - a tonal base, again with hydrating properties. At night, turn to a more saturated in texture means with an additional function of "power".

How to get used to a new cream ?

Sometimes new beauty products can cause irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin. First, if you bought several new products, do not start using everything at once: it will be more difficult to determine the likely allergen. Secondly, if there are components in the new purchase that can cause irritation (most often it is retinol, alpha hydroxy acids, perfumes), all other remedies, starting with the tonic, should be as neutral and simple in composition. Refrain from exfoliants and antioxidants. Third, apply a novelty not on the face, but on a small patch of skin, for example, behind the ear. In case of an undesirable reaction, it will be easiest there to hide it. If within three days no changes for the worse have not followed, you can safely proceed to use in normal mode.

How to deal with small wrinkles ?

In the fight against wrinkles, the main weapon is prevention. Therefore, every morning, do not forget to apply a wide-range sunscreen (on the package it should be indicated that it protects both B-rays that cause burns, and type A-causing skin aging and skin cancer). It is the best anti-aging product.

If the first signs of age have already made themselves felt, every night use a cream with retinol. If this causes redness or flaking, dilute it with a moisturizing cream in a ratio of 1: 1 and do not apply to damp skin. Two or three times a week, use peeling with glycolic acids to speed up the appearance of new cells. Apply the exfoliant at least half an hour before retinol: these two components neutralize the beneficial properties of each other.

How to narrow the pores ?

The pores look enlarged and unattractive when they are clogged with dead cells and sebum. To clean them, wash every other day with exfoliating gel with 0.5-1% salicylic acid, the rest of the days use a cream on the cream. To mask the pores, try a transparent powdery powder.

How to reduce greasy shine ?

Everybody wants their skin to shine from within. But no one will want a greasy shine. Several key products will help to cope with this problem. This matting moisturizer and / or matting tonal base with SPF. The presence of SPF (45 for outdoor exposure, 30 for each day) is key, because the sun stimulates the production of sebum (sebum). Also matting wipes are good: they absorb more than paper, and do not erase makeup from the face. And do not despise the powder. But remember that you can not use all means marked with matt at the same time. They are based on silicones, and such a layered pie will have the opposite effect: after a few hours the skin will begin to shine with redoubled force.

How to deal with inflammation ?

Even more trouble is inflammation. By the law of meanness, they appear at the most inopportune moment. Only get together for an interview or a meeting, as a red traitor jumps to his forehead immediately. If this happens, immediately apply directly to the pimple mask with sulfur and let it dry for five minutes, then wash it off. This alone will significantly reduce inflammation. Before going to bed apply on the skin cream with benzoyl peroxide (2.5% - the dose is effective, but does not cause irritation).

How to get rid of pigmentation ?

Skin bleaching requires patience. For a moderate color pigmentation requires a cream with a large dose of retinol or soy extract. Put it on the whole face, not locally. If you have completely dark spots, the cream with hydroquinone will help. However, it sometimes causes irritation. Therefore, it is better to consult a qualified dermatologist first. And, of course, rarely go to the sun and always remember about protection from ultraviolet radiation.

How to disguise dark circles under the eyes ?

Bruises under the eyes immediately give off fatigue. If there is no possibility to fall asleep or rest more, but you want to look good, there is a way out. First, the cream for the area around the eyes should be well absorbed. This will not allow cosmetics to spread and roll. The concealer should not be dense. Choose a color that matches the tone of the skin. A lighter shade will draw attention to dark circles, the darker will make you older. First, apply the corrector brush on the inner corner of the eye, then continue the line along the bottom edge, along the line of growth of the eyelashes. Flush the corrector with patting finger movements.

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