When is it best to start losing weight?

Success in losing weight depends also on the time when you decide to go on a diet. Find out when it is best to start fighting with extra pounds.

When is it best to start losing weight?
The process of losing weight is quite strongly connected with some external factors. Find out when it's best to start losing weight.

1. In the spring

Spring is the time of awakening all living things. With the arrival of spring in the human body, metabolic processes are accelerated, and even a small adjustment of the caloric content of the diet immediately becomes noticeable.

2. When I'm happy

Against the background of increased content in the body of hormones of happiness (endorphins), it is much easier to lose weight. And the level of these hormones, in turn, increases with increasing daylight. In addition, with the passing of colds, the hormonal system begins to produce less hormone cortisol, which is responsible, in particular, for the laying of fat in the abdomen. But the production of the hormone testosterone, which fights fat, begins to increase.

3. Waning moon

Absolutely all liquids (rivers, seas, oceans, juice in plants and blood in the body) are subject to the influence of the moon. If you want to lose weight, go on a diet on the waning moon. Just at this time, all organs and systems are set to get rid of all "superfluous" and very willingly agree to burn fat and remove toxins.

4. Menstrual cycle

Best period for losing weight is from the 4th to the 14th day of the cycle. After the end of menstruation in the body, the process of active preparation of a new egg for fertilization begins.

The rate of metabolic processes at this time is increased, oxidative processes in adipose tissue also occur more actively. Reduce these days the caloric content of your daily diet, load muscles with exercise and slimness. At the same time, from the 14th day of the cycle to the first day of menstruation, it will be difficult to lose weight, since during this period the body prepares for pregnancy and is very reluctant to part with fat.

Avoid at this time of desserts and other culinary excesses - every extra calorie immediately turns into fat and will be deposited in characteristic places.

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