Seven useful properties of raisins

Infusion on the suit is a real vitamin complex, which is especially useful during the off-season. Infusion on the suit is a real vitamin and mineral complex, which is also well absorbed.

Prepare the infusion of raisins in a thermos. In a liter thermos you have to fill in the washed raisins at the rate of one tablespoon per cup of boiling water. A liter of water produces 4-5 tablespoons of raisins. Let it brew for at least half an hour, after which the broth can be drunk.

What is useful for this drink:

1. Raisins contain a lot of potassium
This mineral is very important for the work of the heart and the cardiovascular system. In the form of a decoction, potassium from raisins is quickly absorbed and helps with shortness of breath and loss of strength. It is especially useful to drink it during the period of high loads.

Seven useful properties of raisins2. A drink from constipation
Potassium is also important for the work of the intestines. Drink is effective for constipation and is good for soldering during intestinal infections.

3. Vitamins B group for the nervous system
Decoction of raisins and the raisins themselves are also shown with nervous overexertion and insomnia.

4. For colds and dehydration
With this drink it is good to solder a child for colds and acute respiratory infections with a high temperature, when you need a lot of liquid and you need to restore the water-salt balance. Drink it and for any other reason dehydration.

5. Raisin in anemia
Iron deficiency anemia is also corrected with the help of such a drink. This is not a cure, but only a part of a healthy diet. Pomegranate juice, apples, beef and raisins are a good diet for anemia.

6. From problems with bones
The high content of boron prevents the appearance and progress of osteoporosis and osteochondrosis.

7. From nausea
A drink of raisins is shown in both toxicosis and during motion sickness. There you can add a little lemon, and then a vitamin drink will ease the condition with nausea. The main thing is to drink it in small sips.

Contraindications: diabetes, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

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