Lose Weight with the benefit of the organism

We suggest you try vegetable diet without severe restrictions, which helps to lose weight to good use.

The vegetables are known to contain a lot of useful substances for the human body, they are low in calories while high in fiber. For this reason, they are the basis of many diets. Vegetable diet - ideal for weight loss, because there are no strict limitations, and it does not create problems, causing a constant feeling of hunger. In addition, the vegetable diet helps not only lose weight, but do it with advantage, because vegetables contain many nutrients and vitamins.

Health and Prevention 
Vegetable diet is a good helper in the prevention of many diseases, such as atherosclerosis, obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, intestinal problems, and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. Vegetables contain many different vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and organic acids necessary for human body. Therefore, this program will help the power not only to buy a slim figure , but and assist health promotion. It must be remembered that the vegetable diet for the first time do not last more than a month.

Slimming scheme 
The essence of the diet is vegetable that can be eaten in about 1.5 kg of vegetables during the day. Food should be varied, and the energy value of the daily set to be about 1100 kcal. In the diet should be excluded from the diet of sweet, flour, meat, fatty foods. Valid only dairy products with low fat percentage. Ideal scheme - use of food five times a day in small portions.

Vegetable diet is good, mainly in the summer and early autumn, when they start to ripen all the vegetables and can be eaten fresh and in unlimited quantities, because it is in raw vegetables contain the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins. An important condition for such a diet is a daily varied diet, with lots of different vegetables. It includes cabbage, courgettes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beans and a variety of fresh herbs . Potatoes during this diet is not recommended.

Strict menu 
Vegetable diet with a strict menu - low-fat, observed one week and is designed to dramatically reduce weight. The diet of this diet is quite simple: during the day in the food consumed only vegetables, no more than 1.5 kg. Vegetables desirable to use raw in the extreme case, steamed. Use of potatoes and other vegetables with the starch content is not allowed. Salt, sugar and spices is better to use a minimal amount. As for drinks, we recommend mineral water, fresh vegetable juice and green tea.

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Classic menu
A diet based on vegetables with a classic menu - lighter, but also more durable. It is designed for 1.5-2 months, and for the most persistent - for the whole summer season. During the day, must still use 1.5 kg of vegetables, but in this embodiment are added to the diet of low-fat dairy products, rye bread and -yabloki fruit, pears, oranges and bananas except grapes. To the menu was varied, it is possible to alternate the reception of raw and cooked foods. For example, for breakfast you can eat a salad of fresh carrots and yogurt, for lunch - steamed broccoli, potatoes and bell peppers for dinner - salad of raw vegetables with olive oil, and for dessert - fruit. If after a few days of starting the diet appears weak or dizzy, it says that the diet is too strict and it is necessary to refuse from. It is also not suitable for those who come in bouts of gastritis .

Proteins plus vegetables 
Protein-vegetable diet allows for the use of protein products. It differs from the classical one in that the menu is twice reduced the amount of raw vegetables. At lunch you can eat chicken broth and chicken meat in small quantities, and for dinner - eggs or boiled fish. Such a diet is tolerated much more easily than usual.

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