What to do when the first symptoms of cystitis

In the fall you need to take special care of the urinary system and prevent hypothermia. what to do when the first symptoms of cystitis.

Unfortunately, almost every second woman knows what is cystitis, but not everyone knows how to ease the discomfort when the first symptoms.

Read on about the symptoms of cystitis.

The cause of cystitis are bacteria that enter the urethra.
Cystitis is also called the "honeymoon disease" as an active sex often provokes the disease. After rough sex is recommended to immediately go to the toilet, to harmful bacteria out of the body in the urine. The use of special lubricants also can not hurt.

Symptoms of cystitis: frequent urination, pain during urination, burning, blood in the urine.

When the first symptoms should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise the consequences could be dire. But if you in the near future there is no opportunity to go to the doctor, then remove the painful symptoms will help a few proven tools.

What to do in cystitis?
1. It is desirable during an exacerbation stay in bed under a warm blanket with a heater in the lower abdomen (if the blood is not excreted in the urine - warmer cancel).
2. Drink more water. Tea - only with milk, coffee, beer excluded. Welcome cranberry, cranberry and blueberry fruit drinks (they contain proantatsianidy prevent bacteria attach to the bladder wall).
3. Herbal medicine. You can brew the grass alone, and it is possible to use tablets (Cystone, Kanefron) - this is not nothing but a herbal only "compactly packed".
4. Diet provides rejection of spices, canned food, pickles, but dairy products, fruit (especially watermelon) and vegetables will benefit.
5. A warm bath can help relieve discomfort after urination.

Cystitis in pregnancy: What to do

The statistics says that one in ten women will know about it cystitis during your pregnancy. What to do if a disease has touched, and you?

Called cystitis inflammation of the bladder mucosa. This disease is characterized by frequent and painful urination, which often plagued future mothers.


The causative agent of cystitis often becomes conditionally pathogenic flora (E. coli, staphylococcus, etc.) that gets into the bladder. Especially "willingly" infection attacks the body, which lowered defenses (as it is known, during pregnancy the immune system somewhat depressed).

The development of cystitis during pregnancy also contributes to an ever-growing uterus compresses the bladder, which leads to a violation of the outflow of urine and active reproduction of pathogenic micro-organisms.


Cystitis - the disease is not lethal, but very unpleasant. You can verify this by reading characteristic of the disease symptoms:
  • dragging pain in the abdomen;
  • false urge to urinate (pee often "out" literally drop by drop);
  • turbid urine color;
  • stinging when urinating;
  • particles of blood and mucus in the urine;
  • allocation of strong-smelling urine;
  • increased body temperature.

Preliminary diagnosis expert urologist can deliver, based on the patient's complaints. Confirm and clarify the diagnosis will help the following diagnostic methods:
  • Analysis of urine;
  • PCR (DNA) -diagnostics (helps to identify the causative agent);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder.
Treatment and prevention

Often, future mothers put off a visit to the urologist, having heard stories about unsafe medical treatment during pregnancy. Indeed, many drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women. At the same time, ignore the disease is by no means impossible.

In the arsenal of the modern physician has all the necessary tools to get rid of the future mother of cystitis. In addition to antibiotics, harmless for the mother and the growing baby in her tummy, urologist has to offer pregnant instillation of the bladder - a procedure during which the drug is injected directly into the bladder. This will eliminate the unpleasant symptoms such as pain and frequent urination, as well as strengthen the bladder wall.

For prevention of cystitis should avoid hypothermia (jeans with a low waist and a mini-skirt - not the best option for the cold season), consume plenty of fluids (based on the results of scientific research, the likelihood of bladder inflammation reduces cranberry juice), rational feeding (to minimize the use of acute and salty foods) and carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene.

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