Laryngitis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Laryngitis is the medical term for the inflammation and swelling of the larynx, which is also known as the voice box. Most of the causes of laryngitis, such as viral infections or use of voice too much, it is not serious.

However, some causes require medical attention and may be early signs of conditions such as cancer of the larynx. Thus, when laryngitis continues, it indicates a problem of medical problems.

If the laryngitis is caused by a viral or bacterial infection, remember that specific virus or bacterium can be transmitted. However, if laryngitis caused early sign of cancer of the larynx or too much noise, then it's not contagious.

  • Hoarseness
  • Itch in the throat (possibly of reflux laryngitis)
  • The urge to continue to clear the throat (possibly of reflux laryngitis)
  • Fever
  • Cough (which may be of bronchitis or sinusitis)
  • Congestion

Laryngitis often develops a few days after a sore throat. Even after the infection has resolved, laryngitis can last for several weeks

Enforcement Diagnosis
Often the diagnosis using medical history and a thorough interview and physical examination.
  • The doctor will give special attention to patients who develop ear infections, nose, throat, and neck.
  • If symptoms become severe, especially in young children, the doctor will perform an X-ray examination of the neck or
  • Doctors can also check out the throat of the patient with a tool. This tool is a long, thin metal is inserted through the nose after being given anesthesia or anesthetic in the nose and nostrils. The procedure only takes a few minutes and can yield valuable information, especially regarding the status of laryngeal nerve that controls movement of the vocal cords.
  • Sometimes in children, rarely in adults, the doctor will do blood tests such as complete blood count
Handling the First at Home
  • If the symptoms have been present for a few days or occur immediately after the episode sounds excessive use of normal, the main treatment is to rest his voice as much as possible. It's important to drink plenty of fluids.
  • If the affected person has symptoms where there is a viral infection, such as mild fever, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, muscle aches, he should drink plenty of fluids and taking paracetamol / acetaminophen or ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) to relieve symptoms.
  • Many people find inhale steam from hot water, such as from a hot shower, or nebulized steam to make her feel better.
  • Avoid smoking, or inhaling smoke, and avoid the consumption of alcohol.
  • Often, this treatment should relieve sore throat as well. However, if the first treatment at home does not make it better, then you should consult with a physician.
After careful examination the doctor will decide the treatment.
  • The doctor will recommend home care measures and may also recommend to refer to an ENT doctor (otolaryngologist). Otolaryngologist may be recommended if GPs have concerns that a more serious medical condition exists, or if laryngitis has survived for a long period of time.
  • If doctors suspect a bacterial infection that causes laryngitis, then the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic.
If the patient has signs of respiratory distress or thinking airways can swell and close, then the doctor will recommend the patient to be hospitalized.
  • In some emergency situations, more often in children than in adults, gravity occurs when the larynx channel swollen and closing. This usually happens transmitted infections.
  • It may be necessary to place a breathing tube into the throat of the patient to breathe (the procedure is called intubation).
  • Patients will then be placed in a room in the hospital to get a ventilator (a machine to help you breathe).
  • In this situation, the patient will receive intravenous antibiotics and steroids as possible

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