10 Reasons Why Children Under 12 Should not Use Gadgets

Children and adolescents use gadgets on average 4-5 times more than recommended by pediatricians.

10 Reasons Why Children Under 12 Should not Use Gadgets

Children's doctor recommends that parents give more time to children, especially those who have not turned 12 years old. He calls parents not to allow all free time to spend at a computer or in the phone, because this kind of leisure affects their development negatively.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Society of Pediatrics say that children aged 0-2 years should not be exposed to electronic devices at all. Children aged 3 to 5 years can use them no more than one hour a day, from 6 to 18 years - two hours a day.

However, in fact, it is established that children and adolescents use gadgets on average 4-5 times more than recommended, and this entails certain negative consequences, which in some cases may threaten life.

Portable devices (mobile phones, tablets, electronic games) have significantly increased the availability and use of modern technologies, especially very young children. Therefore, the pediatrician, as well as the biologist, insists on banning the use of mobile electronic devices by children under the age of 12 years.

So, the top 10 main reasons for this decision:

1. Influence on brain development

In small children, from birth to up to two years, the brain volume increases three-fold and continues to grow to 21 years. The formation of the brain is influenced by the environment. Excessive use of technology can lead to inadequate care and lag in the knowledge of the world around, learning disabilities, and increased impulsiveness and decreased ability to self-control, which can manifest as outbursts of anger.

2. Lag in development

Technology distracts the child from mobile activities, and this can lead to a delay in development. Now every third child who comes to school lags behind in development, and this negatively affects their academic performance. The mobility of a child enhances her attentiveness and learning ability, and the use of technologies up to 12 years only hurts the child's development.

3. Obesity

Television and video games are associated with obesity. Children who are allowed to use gadgets in their rooms are 30% more likely to suffer from obesity.

Each of the four Canadian children and each of the three children in the US is overweight. 30% of obese children develop diabetes, they have a higher risk of stroke, heart attack and early death. Because of obesity, children of the 21st century can become the first generation, many of whose representatives will not survive their parents.

4. Lack of sleep

60% of parents do not follow how and when their children use technological advances, and 75% of children use them in their rooms with the permission of adults. 75% of children aged 9-10 years sleep less than they need at their age.

5. Psychological disorders

Technologies can cause mental disorders in children. Here we are talking about depression, anxiety, impaired attention, autism, bipolar disorder, psychosis and problem behavior. Each of six Canadian children is diagnosed with a mental disorder, and many of them already at such an early age are taking dangerous psychotropic drugs.

6. Aggressiveness

Violent media content can cause uncontrolled aggression in children. For example, in the popular video game Grand Theft Auto V, there are many scenes of a sexual nature, murders, tortures and so on, which can also often be seen on TV screens in movies and television shows.

7. Digital dementia

The content of electronic media leads to attention deficit, as well as a decrease in concentration and memory. Children who have trouble concentrating are not able to learn well.

8. Dependence on gadgets

The more parents are addicted to technology, the less time is allocated to communicate with children. Therefore, children very often, without getting enough parental attention, become attached to devices. As of 2009, each of the 11 children aged between 8 and 18 felt dependent on technology.

9. Radiation radiation

In May 2011, the World Health Organization classified cellular phones (and other wireless devices) as possible sources of carcinogens ( risk category 2B ) through radiation. James McNamey from the Canadian Ministry of Health in October 2011 warned that "Children are more sensitive to electromagnetic waves than adults, as their brain and immune system continue to develop."

In December 2013, Dr. Anthony Miller of the School of Health at the University of Toronto, based on new research, contact with radio frequencies should be classified as 2A (probable carcinogen), not 2B (possible carcinogen).

The American Academy of Pediatrics holds the same position: the danger of radiation exists.

10. Inadvisability

Further education and education of children with the help of technology is inexpedient.

Children are our future, but they have no future if they abuse technology. It is necessary to develop an integrated approach to reduce the level of technology use by children.

1 Response to "10 Reasons Why Children Under 12 Should not Use Gadgets"

  1. I really agree with you bro. If a child under 12 years old is given a gadget will lead to disruption in child growth. social interactions in children will also be disrupted. Indeed, the age of children under 12 years is a period to play, but not with gadgets.


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