6 Main mistakes of using sunscreen

If you are generously smeared with cream with SPF before going out, but still burned, it means that you chose the wrong tool or misused it.

6 Main mistakes of using sunscreen

What mistakes are most often admitted when using sunscreen:

You bought a cream with a too low protection factor

In total, there are four groups of sunscreens, designed for different phototypes. For example, the basic protection products (SPF 10), brunettes - medium (SPF 15-25), brunettes and redheads - high and very high (SPF 30+ and SPF 50+) are suitable for brunettes. But even if you buy a cream with the maximum level of protection (SPF 100), do not forget that it will block only 98% of the sun's radiation.

You got a cheap tool
Buying sunscreen is not the best reason to save. Under the influence of sunlight and salt water, a cheap remedy can cause you to have an allergic reaction.

You use too little cream

Any sunscreen requires abundant application. To completely cover the body of an adult, you need about six teaspoons of cream.

You use a remedy with expiring shelf life

Most likely, the cream or spray started last summer has already lost some of its sunscreen properties. Therefore, buying large banks means a pro with no sense.

You do not use the cream when you are in the shade

Burn even in the shade or on a cloudy day. Light sand and water perfectly reflect the ultraviolet rays - and the amount of irradiation that affects the skin increases.

You forget to apply the product on some areas of the skin

The most popular blind spots , where the sunscreen does not usually fall is the ears, neck, back of the palms, knees and feet. In addition, you must always wear a hat or a baseball cap, so as not to burn the skin at the site of the selection.

If your skin is sensitive to the effects of sunlight, quickly blushes and, as a result, flakes, you need to think in advance about how to avoid burns. Remember that:


A sunburn does not appear immediately

Lying on the beach on a windy day, you may not notice that your skin is burnt. Usually sunburn is manifested after 2-6 hours after exposure to the sun, and continues to develop for 24-72 hours. Therefore, it is very important to limit the location on the beach and use sunscreen.

The safest time for sunbathing is from 8 to 11 am. But sunbathing from 11 to 16 o'clock in the afternoon is not worth it. At this time, the sun's rays are particularly aggressive, and you can get a sunburn in just a few minutes.

The scalp also burns

Many people believe that the scalp does not suffer from the sun, because it protects the hair. In the meantime, it is almost always under direct (most dangerous) sun rays. If you forgot to put on a hat, and the scalp bakes after the beach, use a cool compress or treat the roots of hair with aloe juice.

Sunburn is accompanied by dehydration

Sun burns cause dehydration of the body, so for the duration of treatment it is recommended to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. This amount of drunk fluid will reduce pain.

The healing process will take some time

Reduce pain with sunburn will help you creams or gels containing menthol, camphor or aloe. You can also use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen. But keep in mind that a one-time procedure will not bring much relief. To get rid of sunburn, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas for a few days and at the same time to refuse to ignite.

It should also be prepared for the fact that after a few days the skin starts to itch and peel off - thus the body gets rid of sun damaged cells.

Sunburn causes symptoms similar to flu symptoms

Excessive dose of solar radiation causes fever, hyperthermia and loss of consciousness. Within 12 hours after a sunburn, small or large blisters are formed on the skin, which can lead to burn disease. If you lose consciousness, show nausea and vomiting, severe chills and dizziness - immediately call a doctor.

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