How to Lose Weight: Top 9 tricks

Kitchen - the heart of the house, but it is also the place where you can easily lose self-control and break the diet. If you want to lose weight and find out to what tricks you should resort to achieve the desired.

If you passionately wish to part with the excess weight, then you should resort to such tricks:

How to Lose Weight: Top 9 tricks
#1. Do the same fruit available as a bag of chips 
Fruits that appear in your house, do not hide so well forget about them the next day. You should wash them, peel, slice and arrange on food containers to be able to eat at the first opportunity, or simply to bring along to work. Containers should be placed in the refrigerator at eye level, so the first thing you see, opening the fridge - fruit.

#2. Purchase a large container for salad 
If snacking a salad before the main meal, you will soon be satisfied eating smaller main course. Of course, every day to prepare a salad - tiring. To shirk this lesson, purchase a large airtight food container to prepare a salad just a couple of times a week. Soon you will get used to the fact that in your refrigerator always ready to have a salad of fresh vegetables and be much more likely to bite them.

#3. Keep in a prominent position measuring cups and spoons
By measuring the size of the portions you shalt yourself from overeating. Indeed, one of the most common reasons why hard to deal with excess weight - underestimating the size of portions. And if the measuring cups and spoons will be in front of your eyes, you will not forget to use them.

#4. Prepare a la carte snacks 
You know what happens if you eat crackers or chips directly from the package? Usually you eat all that there is, almost completely. To avoid this from happening, fight hunger should be using healthy snacks, which you need to take care in advance. So, in the beginning of the week you can divide the nuts, cheese and fresh fruit on the portions 100 and 150 calories, add up into packets, put in the refrigerator and take as needed.

#5. Get rid of harmful products 
Your husband or children like sweets? If these products will be within your reach, you are inevitably going to crave them. Therefore, you should either get rid of them, or ask relatives to hide them away.

#6. Eat from small plates 
When we put the food on the plate, we believe that it should be possible to fill. If you will eat from smaller plates, you can not put a lot of food for them and, eventually, you'll consume fewer calories.

#7. Freezing fruits and vegetables
Acquire fruit and vegetables in large quantities. Some of them are necessarily mine, purify, put in bags and stored in a freezer. So you not only save money, but will always have them on hand to add to smoothies, yogurt, pasta, soups and omelets.

#8. Catching cooking prescription, double or triple the ingredients 
If you cook the soup, fry vegetables, or something else, prepare a stock. So you need to escape every day spend a lot of time in the kitchen, you can put the food in food containers, and, take, if necessary. And besides, even if you are in a hurry, you can always snack healthy food and save yourself from the temptation to go to fast food.

#9. Before you sit down at the table, is removed from the eye leftover food 
Once you have prepared the food and served plates, before you sit down, take away food debris from the eyes, otherwise you will inevitably struggle with the desire to put an additive. As a general rule, difficult to resist the temptation, and ultimately, you eat a little more, and then some more, and then you'll wonder why you can not lose weight. And if you once you have gathered food in the refrigerator, your desire to eat is a little struggle with laziness, and most likely, it is laziness and win.

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