10 Early Signs of Heart Disease Affected

Heart disease is one disease that we need to be alert because heart disease is the leading cause of death world number one. Not only adults can be affected by heart disease but the child is still in the process of growth can be affected by heart disease.

10 Early Signs of Heart Disease Affected
Heart disease is caused by many factors including unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise, stress, improper diet will increase the risk of having a heart attack.

There are the kinds of traits that can be seen if a heart disease. Before when the disease is actually lodged in the body, you should begin a healthy life and move on food that is friendly to the heart.

Here are the early symptoms are often encountered when a heart attack befall one of them as follows:

1. Fatigue - If you often tired, though not heavy activity, immediately ask your personal physician. This may be an indication there is a problem in your heart. tiredness is not only felt when you move, but also often feel when I wake up.

2. Chest pain - Chest pain is one of the common signs of heart problems. But not all chest pain can be said as the early symptoms of heart disease because it could be due to other diseases, but we must remain vigilant because it could have chest pain is one of the main characteristics of the clogging of arteries causing blood does not flow throughout the body. If this condition occurs person to become weak and numb.

3. Headaches - Headaches are also a characteristic of a person's heart disease, if someone headaches when exposed to the rays of speech, they usually have a problem with the heart, so the heart rate will be affected can be slower or faster. Especially in women who frequently experience migraine headaches or visual problems, at least 2 times in a month, it took alert. These may be signs of a change of heart disease. says the study published by the american academy of neurology. according to the researchers, this takes place due to irregularities blood circulation resulting from chronic headaches.

4. Sweat Out - Usually a person sweats after exercise or when the weather is hot. However you must be alert if your body sweat, though not undertake any activity, because it could have been a hallmark of heart problems.

5. Nausea - Heart Disease Symptoms began with abdominal swelling. This results in patients regarding loss of appetite and feel nauseous excess.

6. Anxiety - Many believe, heart attack tails on trauma. As a result, those who had experienced a heart attack is often a natural tension, fear, or concern can be death. This subject is associated with psychological concerns and stress often lead to attacks.

7. Shortness of Breath - The occurrence of asphyxiation caused by blood vessels that hinders blood flow whole body. Causing irregular heartbeats, thickening of the heart muscle, as well as abnormalities of the heart valves.

8. Irregular heartbeat - If you experience irregular heartbeat, it is proper to watch out because it can cause fatal. irregular heart beats normally take place because there is a thickening of the muscle of the heart valves. The lead lasted about a narrowing of the valve to cause a leak.

9. Pain In Body Parts - Symptoms of a heart disease other is a pain, in women this pain is felt in the right hand and left arm, but the man felt pain in the left arm. This pain can also be felt in other body parts such as shoulders, neck, back elbow that sometimes comes and sometimes go. The pain is caused due to clogged arteries.

10. Swelling - Symptoms that indicate that the heart is in less than good condition and heart valve abnormalities is swelling that occurs when fluid builds up in the body. In general, this swelling occurs in the ankle and stomach.

Distinguishing trick Chest Pain And Heart Attacks

When experiencing chest pain, most people are afraid of the threatening heart attack. Though the symptoms of a heart attack is not always in the chest because there are some symptoms that accompany him. Chest pain can also be due to other problems. How to distinguish the chest pain of a heart attack or other disorders?

Doctor Rob Lambert as reported housecalldoctor, said people need to distinguish when it is a serious chest pain of a heart attack or other diseases. If the chest pain leading to heart attack then it should be done fast action his help to prevent heart muscle damage that can occur within a few hours resulting in death.

Doctors Lambert said to the symptoms of a heart attack, is not the right word but the sensation of chest pain in the chest. This sensation was not as tasty as the heavy feeling when breathing, cold feeling in the chest or shortness of breath.

He said nearly a third of heart attack patients do not have chest pain. But the symptoms actually felt long before the pain is intermittent in 5 minutes or did not settle and often overlooked by many people. Chest pain that arises sink was usually short, less than 20 minutes.

When is chest pain that is categorized as a serious heart attack symptoms?

Typical symptoms of a heart attack are:

  • Chest tightness, heavy or squeezing
This condition is described many sufferers like carrying a heavy burden on the chest or chest tied as tight. This sensation is usually felt in the chest on the left side. But sometimes it is difficult to determine the exact location.
  • Out of breath.
  • Sweating, nausea and anxiety.
  • The pain of the neck, left arm and jaw, behind the stomach, one shoulder or on both shoulders.
  • Feeling weak and rapid heart rate or irregular.

Conditions that may arise even though people are resting. The phenomenon can also occur while or after exercise, stress or after a big meal that there is only one road immediately brought to the nearest hospital emergency unit.

In addition to chest pain of a heart attack, as quoted by WebMD, chest pain is also a sign of problems or other diseases such as gastrointestinal disorders (gastritis) or the wrong muscles.

Chest pain is not a heart attack are:

  • Spine disease
These diseases also cause pain in the chest when pinched nerves in the spine.
  • Lung cancer
Lung cancer also cause chest pain, especially if the cancer cells have spread to the ribs.
  • A blood clot in the lungs (embolism)
This condition causes chest pain and shortness of breath even to the extreme.
  • Pneumothorax lung problems
This condition causes chest pain and shortness of breath even to the extreme.
  • Indigestion gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or diseases of stomach acid up into the esophagus.
This condition can cause pain below the breastbone, heartburn.
  • Broken ribs
Their broken ribs makes people feel chest pain, especially when you cough or take a deep breath.
  • Pain in the ribs
If it happens before a rash, red rash could be a sign of herpes zoster.
  • Chest pain when coughing
This condition occurs because there is an upper respiratory infection caused by a virus.
  • Pain in the muscles or sternum
This condition often occurs when a person's activity increases or add a schedule of exercise.

Hopefully this article useful, thanks.

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