6 Tips Free Eye Pouch

The eye is one of the signs of ageing that emerge earliest.
Follow these 6 tips below to keep your eyes look younger and free eye pouches:

Tips Free Eye Pouch
1. Do not smoke and always apply sunscreen on the skin around the eyes. Smoking and exposure to ultraviolet rays weakens collagen and can cause the appearance of wrinkles and "decline" the skin of the eye.

2. Use a moisturizer on the eye area at night. Any type of moisturizer can give the necessary hydration by area.

3. Use a cream vitamin A retinoids or acid (tretinoin) as daily skin care regimen. These regimens are used to prevent wrinkles and improve skin facial lines that already exist.

4. To cope with a swollen eye, use a spoon that has already cooled, pieces of cucumber, or pouches of tea that's been put in the freezer. Cold temperatures can reduce swelling.

5. Replace the position of the bed. Sleeping positions can contribute to the onset of the SAC of the eye. Because of the power of gravity, sleeping in a position leaning causes the liquid accumulated in the bottom of the eye. Should sleep in a supine position and use extra pillows.

6. Avoid rubbing eyes, rub the sleep without cleaning make-up, drinking alcohol in excess amounts that cause dehydration.

When the SAC of the eye appears suddenly and cannot be lost with the steps above then you should visit your doctor. Some kidney and thyroid problems can cause fluid retention at the bottom of the eye.

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