Tips on Diet and Fertility with Watermelon
Sunday, June 07, 2015
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Fruit watermelon is one type of fruit that is still one family with fruit melon. Did You Know? This fruit can be found throughout the season, however, will usually be very sweet when the dry season. The original varieties of watermelon fruit have small seeds and red color on the inside of his flesh. Watermelon contains water and has a very sweet taste.
Watermelon now developed into some kind of like kind of watermelon without seeds, yellow watermelon and other varieties. Although there are various types, however, each type of watermelon has a balanced nutritional value.
How Much Percentage Of Nutrient Watermelon?
Watermelon fruit that is very enjoyable for everyone because watermelon is also very well liked by children to seniors. The sweet fruit flavors, soft and refreshing fruit makes it very popular. Besides the benefits of watermelon fruit has the nutrient content. Semangkan contains minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and calories low enough.
100 grams of watermelon have nutrient content with the percentage as follows:
Potassium 370 mg
Phosphorus-31 mg
Magnesium 30 mg
Calcium 19 mg
Sodium 2.9 mg
Iron 0.98 mg
1.2 mcg selenium
Manganese 0,112 mg
Copper 0.15 mg
Zinc 0.32 mg
1630 IU vitamin A
0,092 thiamin mg
Riboflavin 0.09 mg
0,521 niacin mg
9 folic mcg
0,654 Pantothenic acid mg
Vitamin B6 0,123 mg
Vitamin C 23.4 mg
Vitamin E 0.15 mg
Vitamin K 0.4 mcg
Protein 1.74 g
fiber 1.9 g
Calories 88 calories
Tips To Consume Watermelon
To get all the benefits of the fruit watermelon, watermelon fruit consumption should also be carried out according the rules. Below are a few tips to consume watermelon in order to remain healthy.
- Wash unpeeled fruit watermelon before to clean the skin of bacteria or germs for watermelon in a shelter or store.
- Serve watermelon when peeled his skin to avoid bacterial contamination.
- Always fresh watermelon consumption or just in pieces.
- Avoid wearing a used knife meat or other foods to cut watermelon
- Avoid consumption of watermelon that is already cut and stored more than 24 hours.
Benefits of watermelon for the fruit to your Diet
Content of amino acids in fruit watermelon citruline turns out is also very effective to overcome the fat that accumulates in the body. These compounds are obtained from a watermelon after kidney and be changed by arginine. The ability of these compounds will be higher when already the arginine causing debilitating body fat cells in the body and dissolve in the channel expenses. So, the benefits of watermelon to diet good for consumption.
Benefits of watermelon in order to prevent the formation of fatsWatermelon is also becoming very fresh fruit and can make the body feel the effects of alkaline water contained in watermelon. With the consumption of watermelon fruit regularly then it can make the body avoid various types of diseases caused by foods containing fat and other acidic substances.
Benefits of watermelon to prevent Impotence
The benefits of watermelon is a very interesting is to prevent impotence. Citruline compounds that can be changed into arginine by the kidneys have given a big role is mainly to prevent the problem of erectile dysfunction in men. Benefits of watermelon to increase fertility, reduces sexual taste gairan weak and lethargic as well as increase libido.
Watermelon contains many fruit becomes a source of nutrients. Fresh watermelon in a piece then you can get a wide range of nutritional benefits. Because that's the watermelon became one of the fruits that can be used to maintain the health of the body. The following are some benefits of watermelon fruit you need to know.
Benefits of watermelon to prevent Asthma
Benefits of watermelon is a magic fruit to prevent asthma. This fruit is not cure asthma but only prevent symptoms or disease stage breathing could be asthma. The high content of vitamin C in fruit watermelon effectively immune to increase so as to prevent respiratory disorders.
Benefits of watermelon to lower blood pressure
It turns out that watermelon is also very effective for lowering blood pressure. People who have the disease of hypertension or high blood pressure are advised to regularly consume watermelon fruit. Watermelon has a very good effect on the blood vessels and to overcome the pressure that was too heavy on the blood vessels in the heart. It's what makes a watermelon into a refreshing fruit for sufferers of hypertension.
Benefits of watermelon to ward off Cancer
Watermelon fruit has become high sources of vitamin C and zar licopen. Both kinds of these substances is very important to protect the body from cancer-causing free-radical attack. Health benefits of watermelon to be the source of very high in antioxidants and is good for sufferers of prostate cancer and some types of cancer to another.
Benefits of watermelon to cope with Constipation
Watermelon is a fruit that contains fiber and water are very high. Fiber in watermelon can resolve constipation problem mainly because of a shortage of soluble fiber in the intestine. Fiber is found in watermelon can form a natural gel on the colon so that launched the absorption of nutrients and defecation.
Benefits of watermelon to prevent Dehydration
Dehydration is one of the types of disorders are caused because the body is deficient intake of mineral water. Watermelon into a refreshing fruit and has a lot of moisture content. Lack of water can cause the body to become weak, not powered and lacking concentration. In addition to this lack of water can also make kidneys work harder so it can cause disorders of the kidneys.
Benefits of watermelon for Maintaining eye health
Watermelon is a fruit which contains vitamin A and beta carotene. Both kinds of these substances can help the body in maintaining the health of the retina and the lens of the eye. Watermelon can also help to prevent diseases caused by age such as cataracts and rabuh diseases in the elderly.
Benefits of watermelon for soft and smooth skin
Watermelon is not only refreshing fruit and meets the needs of nutrients. But it turns out that watermelon is rich in vitamin A can make the skin become smoother and moisturized. This will prevent the skin dull and lacking in nutrients. Women who mengkonsumsu watermelon on a regular basis can have skin that is more beautiful and not dry. Vitamin A in watermelon also improve the body's cell network system on a section of hair and skin.
Benefits of watermelon to cope with muscle pain
Compound amino acid citruline found in watermelon has effects that are very good to relieve muscle pain. These compounds are capable of making the muscles of the body became more relaxed so as to defuse tension. It's what makes the watermelon is very effective for athletes after the games.
Benefits of watermelon for the source natural collagen
Collagen is a compound that is needed by the body to maintain the elasticity of the skin. Benefits of watermelon for skin contains vitamin C which is very high. Vitamin C is a type of vitamin that helps the body in absorbing sehinggab collagen makes skin becomes softer. In addition the watermelon which is full of water will meet the needs of water to keep skin cells.
Benefits of watermelon to maintain heart health and bone
Watermelon contains compounds likopen functioning to help maintain bone and heart health. Watermelon is able to make blood flow in the heart becomes more optimally, nourishes the body's cells, reduces oxidative level in blood vessels that often lead to a heart attack. In addition, watermelon is also very effective for shaping bone density so as to prevent osteoporosis. Likopen will maintain heart health and maintain bone density by accelerating absorption of calcium.
Benefits of watermelon to resolve Inflammation
Several types of compound found in watermelon is such as phenolic compounds, triterpenoid, carotenoids, and flavonoids. Likopen in watermelon is very effective to address the inflammation and prevent the body from free radical attack. Even watermelon also contains cucurbicatin which can be anti-inflammatory agent thereby causing the body's cells rapidly recover. It will also assist the body in making the immune system naturally.
Benefits of watermelon for waging a Urine
People who have problems with kidneys and diuretic use watermelon as natural therapies. Watermelon water contains very high and could increase the flow of urine in the body. Watermelon also helps create toxins in the liver so as to relieve the working system of the kidney.
Such information about the diet tips and benefits of watermelon.
Such information about the diet tips and benefits of watermelon.
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