Don't Underestimate The Watery Eyes

Sore eyes very disturbing activity daily, including watery eyes. Discover the causes and how to overcome it here!

Watery eyes (epifora) was watery eyes when conditions constantly. It does no harm, but surely it can interfere with daily activities if it happens on an ongoing basis. In fact, what causes watery eyes?

Dry Eye
Tear production tends to diminish as an age, then it is no wonder that dry eye syndrome generally occurs in people of advanced age. But some daily activities can also cause dry eye, such as the frequent use of computers, gadgets, exposed to AIR CONDITIONING and pollution, as well as the use of contact lenses. No wonder that young people now can suffer from dry eye. Why do watery eyes caused by dry eye? This is due to a reduced tear production, so that the brain responds by producing excessive tears (watery eyes) but the quality of the water that is produced is not good.
Reaction to allergens can cause eyes to become red and irritated, so more eyes will be producing tears. The most common cause of allergy symptoms is the mite on dust and pet fur, pollen of flowers, and others.
One of the symptoms caused by infection of the eyes are watery eyes. In these conditions the amount of tears can be increased due to the irritation of tissue producing tears and surrounding area, as well as due to the sensation of the presence of foreign bodies. Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the IRIS) is a highly contagious disease and is known to cause watery eyes. Causes include bacteria, fungi, and, most commonly, the virus. Wear contact lenses can also increase the risk of conjunctivitis.
Eyes can produce excess tears caused by irritation, such as the dry air, the light is too bright, wind, smoke, eyelashes, or exposure to chemicals (aerosol sprays, perfume, and others)

How to know the causes of watery eyes that you experience?

If your eyes feel dry and uncomfortable before you start running, you may experience dry eye syndrome. Whereas if your eyes itch and swelling, possible allergies or iritasilah cause.

Treatment that is given to the condition of watery eyes depends on the cause. When the causes of watery eyes due to dry eye syndrome, then it can be addressed with medication or eye drops eyes moisturized. In the meantime, if the result of an infection, you should consult with a physician for proper handling.

To prevent dry eyes and irritation,  following tips:

Take a break from your computer
Every 5-10 minutes once, keep sight of your computer screen. Focus on one object located far from you. How this helps to adjust the back focus of the eye. In addition, try winks more often.

Wear Sunglasses
Wear sunglasses equipped with a UV protective cap and use the width when activity on the outside, so that the eye can be protected from sunlight and dust. Don't forget to wear eye protection when working with chemical substances.

Drink enough water
Many have forgotten the power of white water for maintaining eye health, but drinking enough water is crucial in order for the body to function properly. The recommended amount is 8-10 glasses per day, depending on the needs and daily activity.

Checks Are Routinely
Don't ever underestimate the eye health. Some disorders of the eyes is totally painless and can happen gradually, making it difficult to detect at an early stage. Therefore, an examination of the eyes on a regular basis is highly recommended.

Use A Moisturizing Eye
In the middle of the tpadat activity, pausing a few seconds to shed eyes moisturized so that the eyes remain healthy. Use moisturizing the eye in the form of tube that is free of preservatives, so it is safe to use as often as possible and in the long run though.

This Is The Cause Of Red Eye & Irritation

It is time you aware of some causes of red eye irritation due to the following. The reason is not just because of the kelilipan, but also a cause of another culprit.

Red eye is a situation often encountered by many people. Red eyes can be caused by dilation of the blood vessels that lead to the occurrence of reddish color on the surface of the eyeball. The degree of redness in the eyes is usually not related to the severity of an eye disease suffered. To note is complaints that accompany the red eyes, for example if accompanied by headaches, nausea, vomiting, and impaired vision.

Red eye is a situation often encountered by many people. There are various causes. Most cases require special attention or handling didn't even need it at all.

Red eyes can be caused by dilation of the blood vessels that lead to the occurrence of reddish color on the surface of the eyeball. The degree of redness in the eyes is usually not related to the keperahan of an eye disease suffered. To note is complaints that accompany the red eyes, for example if accompanied by headaches, nausea, vomiting, and impaired vision.

Not all red eye caused by dust and smoke. Red eye can also be caused by chemical irritation, allergies, or both infections bacterial infections, viruses, and fungi, as well as dry eye.

1. Red eyes due to irritation of chemicals
Red eyes due to irritation of chemicals can be known if there is a history of previous exposure to the eye against chemicals. This should soon be overcome by washing eyes with running water.

2. Red eyes due to allergies
Red eyes caused by allergies generally feels itchy, red, and watery. One way to handle it is to avoid exposure to the source of the allergy or by giving a drug that contains a potent anti-inflammatory eye drops.

3. Red eye due to infection
Red eyes caused by infection is usually accompanied by the presence of impurities and eyes felt sore. This can be overcome by dispensing eye drops containing antibiotics.
Treatment in the form of traditional eyewash, such as betel leaf, water is not recommended as it has not been clinically proven, even can cause irritation to the eyes. There are some people who think the urine (urine) or saliva can treat red eyes. It is a myth and is very misleading.

4. Red eyes due to dry eye
Red eye is caused by dry eye generally felt tired and sore eyes. How to deal with it is to use a moisturizer that contains artificial tears. Use every day in the long term so that the eye remains fresh and healthy.

Immediately consult a doctor if:
  • Red eye more than 1-2 days
  • Red eye after trauma-exposed sharp objects
  • Red eyes accompanied by nausea and vomiting
  • Red and sore eyes accompanied eyesight
  • There is a foreign object in the eye
  • Very sensitive to light or glare overload
  • There is dirt the eye is yellow or greenish
  • Skin abnormalities arise, such as the chicken pox around the eyes

Read also : Take this way Minus the Eyes

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