What are the dangers of a healthy lifestyle?

Healthy lifestyle (HLS) - a way of life, aimed at disease prevention and health promotion. The very idea of a healthy lifestyle is definitely good. Who does not want to be as much time as young, healthy, and full of energy? However, in such a healthy motivation is the "pitfalls". Where did they come from?

The main causes of "gotchas" in health promotion, two - the fear of death (veiled fear manifests itself in the form of old age and disease) and a defense mechanism of the human psyche, the unconscious feeling of a person that he is able to control everything, and guilt if that -That is getting out of control.

In the modern world, with its ideology of eternal youth, beauty and health that fear fueled a lot of movies, commercials and posters, magazines - everywhere there are the protagonists of young, healthy and beautiful people, and the sick, old and ugly, as if there is no or they act as "background" and can not be any effect, lead an active lifestyle. Thus, fueled by the desire to be a successful person, able to express themselves and worthy of happiness, not just the "Living out" that could lead to neurosis and has very specific "pitfalls", which can run into. Such as:

1. Orthorexia nervosa. Sufferers ortoreksiey seek as much as possible to abandon the "bad" foods. Why in quotes? The fact that ortoreksikov characteristic "black and white" thinking, every product is perceived as useful or that it is possible, or as uniquely harmful, which is not to never, under any circumstances. Usually they do not consume alcohol, caffeine, sweet, salty, fat, starch, gluten and yeast. Often added to this list of meat and dairy products, fish. Also a lot of attention is paid to the method of preparation of authorized products - mostly fried excluded, sometimes even excluded any heat treatment. Ortoreksiki often refuse to even a single reception of "harmful" food, even if you are very hungry.

2. Needless to frequent washing with the use of antibacterial agents. This applies to the care of the body and face care, and hair care products. Why is this a mistake? The fact that one of the "traits" of the human body - laziness. That is, if there is something you can not do, the human body and will not do. For example, if a long time (more than a month) human muscles do not work (for example, being fixed in plaster at the turn), they grow old and need a long time to develop them specifically, to come back to normal. If a person does not eat meat for a long time or do not drink milk, then chop off one cup of milk or it will be bad. The same happens with the self-cleaning of the body. The more often a person washes his head, the faster it "zhirneet" more often makes a variety of cleaning facial mask - the same. On the surface of healthy skin is a natural protective layer of fat that protects the skin from harmful bacteria, in case of violation that has neillyuzorno risk of eczema and atopic dermatitis. Human skin is a condition without any consequences to transfer wash with soap and water every few days, every day, it is desirable to wash without soap.

3. Needless to intense exercise. Now many people wear themselves different types of loads, visiting several types of workouts to lose weight immediately or rendering muscle relief. Who is the most popular fitness and running. Popular jogging "heart attack" is often run "to a heart attack," and excessive leaning on the bar, you can purchase sprains, herniated discs and periarthritis. Also intense prolonged exercise is bad for human immunity and can cause exacerbation of almost all chronic diseases. The duration and intensity of physical activity should depend on the condition of the body, no need to fight fiercely with his own body, it is important to take into account their feelings and avoid dizziness, pain in the heart, headaches, tachycardia, and in general a strong sense of discomfort. In principle, the benefit of almost any kind of physical activity, if you engage them in moderation. Yes, and not necessarily just to train, but instead can be practiced, for example, hiking, skiing or cycling, sports games.

4. Positive thinking. Often, positive thinking and optimism refer to aspects of a healthy lifestyle, citing the fact that it has a positive effect on human immunity and opposes the development of the state of learned helplessness. However, since the method of positive thinking is based on the fact that quality of life can be improved simply by using visualization and pronouncing success affirmations, it creates the illusion of a comprehensive human control over their lives and, in fact, is self-deception, extreme which is expressed in the belief that man able to change the world around us your thoughts. Thus, when such illusions are divided about the reality of man, according to the already mentioned protective mechanism psyche begins to blame himself that could lead to the development of clinical depression in susceptible individuals. Although positive thinking is often contrasted with the negative, the only alternative is running a realistic view of the world.

5. Asocial, which arises in connection with the previous four "pitfalls" as a consequence of the obsession with "healthy lifestyle" as a person begins to believe that those who follow the precepts of healthy lifestyles, deserve more respect than others, and thus rejects his old circle of communication is not always at the same time a new, which can lead to loss of self-esteem and depression.

As they say, forewarned - is forearmed.

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