How to choose a diet that suits you: 7 options

At the moment there is a huge variety of diets. And everyone is told that it is she who is the best. Before choosing any of them, you should read about them and understand their pros and cons, and then choose one that will match your lifestyle.

How to choose a diet that suits you: 7 options

Atkins Diet 

This diet stimulates rapid weight loss when needed - usually after the holidays. It is easy to follow, because this weight loss system does not exclude foods that are prohibited by other diets (meat, cheese, etc.). There is also no restriction on calories, so those who observe it rarely feel hungry.

However, at the initial stage of the diet - the first 2 weeks, many feel broken and sick. Soon this feeling passes and, together with the improvement of health, the energy increases and weight loss becomes noticeable.

Of course, this diet is largely incorrect, but the impartial research and personal testimonies of people who adhere to it, support this way of eating.

Calorie restriction 

This power system is easy to understand. There are small restrictions on the types of food that are allowed to consume. It is believed that such a diet contributes to longevity, better health, lower blood pressure. These are the pros, and the downside is that on this diet you can rarely feel fully fed, you always need to keep a calorie count and know the calorie content of each product. You also have to be careful while visiting restaurants and cafes, because there are a lot of extra, hidden calories in the dishes cooked there.

Cleansing diets 

After observing such a diet, you will feel fresh and energetic, because your body is cleansed of toxins, begins to quickly digest food and adjusts the body to lose weight in the long term. Nevertheless, the cleansing diets are difficult to adhere to. Those who observe them often accompany a feeling of hunger, fatigue and dizziness.

Diet on green tea 

Such a diet is easy to follow and studies have proven its effectiveness. Because green tea is useful, you get more than just losing weight. However, in order to stick to such a diet for a long time, you should really like green tea.

Low-fat diet (Low-Fat Diet) 

On this diet, there is no need to count calories and the emphasis is on the consumption of natural healthy foods, which in addition to losing weight, has other advantages. However, the rejection of many products is not for everyone, but if your diet is already sufficiently limited, it is likely that you will be able to comply with it.

However, before giving preference to such diets, it should be understood that they can harm health, because in order to function properly, our body needs essential fatty acids, and the only fats that are bad for us are trans fats.

The South Coast Diet 

This diet was developed by a cardiologist specifically for people with overweight who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, but it turned out to be universal.

This system of weight loss focuses on good and bad carbohydrates, which reduces the risk of heart disease. Counting calories on this diet is also not necessary, the choice of foods that can be consumed is very wide and there are no restrictions on food intake and volume of servings. However, still, if you have a busy schedule of the day and have little free time, it will be difficult for you to comply with this diet.

Zone diet 

Adherents of this diet get most of the nutrients they need. Observing diet, eat should be divided, daily adjusting the intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The advantages of the diet can be attributed to her individuality, since age, weight, and the type of weight loss figure are taken into account, and weight loss can be very fast. However, you will constantly have to calculate the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates, additionally take vitamins and be ready for the fact that after the diet is over, the weight loss can return.

Before you go on any diet, even if you think that it is perfect for you, be sure to consult with a specialist.

1 Response to "How to choose a diet that suits you: 7 options"

  1. I'm surprised that the 5:2 diet hasn't been mentioned here. Not only is the weight loss impressive but the health benefits are great too. The evidence suggests that it helps to reduce the chance of diabetes, cancer and alzheimers too.

    I tried it for a while and saw some great benefits. Okay, I fell off the wagon for a while but it is easy to pick up again and you don't tend to yo-yo with weight gain either.


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