Why can not I lose weight: Top 4 Reasons

Consider the common causes that prevent lose weight.
The mental state of a person as well as work out in the gym and the elimination of certain foods from the menu has a huge impact on weight loss. Therefore, if you see that the scales inexplicably froze, make sure that the weight loss is not sabotaging mental blocks. Consider the most common:

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Why can not I lose weight: Top 4 Reasons5 Easy Ways to Fight Mental Block

1. You accent the attention only on the negative aspects
If you always criticize their appearance, selection of products and a lifestyle that you lead, it only hinders your ability to succeed. According to psychologist Kelly McGonigal, if the focus on self-criticism, you will generate negative. Instead of oppressing themselves, begin to treat yourself with kindness, as well as pay more attention to what you want to do and what results achieved.

2. You can not submit a new self
Women who are struggling with excess weight is hard to imagine yourself slim, more attractive and healthy for many years. However, in order to achieve real results you need to feel confident in their ability to achieve results and create in your imagination inspirational images updated themselves.

3. You're too focused on the figure
You should not focus on the numbers that you see on the scale, because if your weight is far from ideal, you will only get upset every time. In order not to feel a sense of alarm, if the weight is reduced by slow pace, focus on the sensations. If the old clothes became a little big on you, or you feel a little more energetic during the day, you should know that this is the result of your efforts and your little victory.

When you are aware of your achievements, triggered a domino effect on the positive and you will want to do more to get more.

4. You remain in a state of stress
According to the coach Julie Barrett, losing weight comes down to one thing - stress management. When we are stressed, our bodies produce excessive amounts of the hormone cortisol, which decreases the ability to burn fat. Even habits that seem healthy can prevent your body to lose weight.

5. You go too far
Keep in mind that if you are training too hard or think every piece of food that you eat, it will do more harm than good. Do everything possible to find a balance in the choice of foods, exercise regularly, but do not forget that between training sessions should take place a sufficient amount of time to the body time to recover. If you're going to stick to these recommendations, the result is not long to wait.

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