The main rules of healthy eating after 30 years

After 30 years, you need to carefully monitor their diet. We will tell you about how your power to change.

1. The slowing of metabolism begins after 30 years. Therefore, the power must be complete, but it is reasonable. it is not necessary to change habits radically. It suffices to observe and control the mode of total calories eaten, the ratio of nutrients.

2. The sharp slowdown in metabolism is due to the decrease in hormone levels. Therefore, very often without changing the diet, women start to gain weight. Many sit on a hard diet in an attempt to control weight. But this leads to a further slowing of metabolism.
Therefore the need to reconsider the diet, but not downwards and towards balance. And the most effective means - regular physical activity. This is the only safe and healthy, way to speed up the metabolism.
The main rules of healthy eating after 30 years3. It should be as far as possible to abandon fatty foods, especially of animal origin (except for the fatty fish - it contains omega-3 essential fatty acids), carbohydrates from simple (sugary drinks, sugar, candy), and, of course, products with preservatives, taste enhancers and flavorings.

4. Watch for a sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables - they should be in your diet every day.

5. Also, lean on a complete protein. Best suited fish and seafood, legumes, low-fat cottage cheese. And be sure to cereal products - cereals, durum wheat pasta. It is not necessary to severely restrict your diet.

6. Be sure to take courses of vitamin-mineral complexes, paying attention to vitamin B, vitamin D, magnesium and calcium.

7. Youthful skin, its elasticity and tone depend primarily on the water content in the cells and from the collagen - the protein that is the skeleton of the skin. Therefore it is very important to maintain water balance and drink enough fresh clean water - at the rate of 30 ml per kg body weight
Special additives collagen useless and useless because of collagen pills digested in the intestine as well as of protein patties - that is to be cleaved amino acids of which are constructed own proteins including collagen. Therefore, the harm from such additives do not have, but good, too.
What not to eat:
Simple carbohydrates (sugar, soft drinks, candy). They break down the collagen in the skin, they can cause an excess of its flabbiness.

If you have age-related acne, give up dairy products and cheese. Scientists have proved their relationship.

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