Grow thin with the mind: the six most dangerous diets

The summer passed, but that does not mean that now you can with a clear conscience eat whatever your heart desires. Read, what diets should be afraid, not to harm your health.

Lose weight it is necessary to carefully because the wrong approach to the loss of extra kilos can lead to a significant loss - health.

1. salt-free diet

Grow thin with the mind: the six most dangerous dietsThis power system was developed by doctors for people suffering from kidney disease, hypertension and heart failure. All these diseases are usually accompanied by severe swelling, which helps fight the salt-free diet.

Thanks to this system, supply the body gets rid of the water, and the reduction of the numbers on the scale can only be achieved at the expense of the diuretic effect. Remember, as soon as you return the salt in the diet, the weight will come back and, but for this time sodium deficiency in the body can adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys and the heart.

2. A low-fat diet

The principle of this diet is very simple - the amount of fat in the diet is reduced to a minimum. In this mode, the power can lose weight by an average of three kilograms per week, but the effects of this diet is very unpredictable and largely depend on the state of health.

Firstly, if the amount of fatty acid is less than 20% of total daily calories, then immediately reduced level of so-called good cholesterol, whose main function is to protect the heart and blood vessels. Second, the fatty acids from food, all contribute to the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. If they are completely excluded, it will inevitably lead to vitamin deficiency, skin problems and hair.

3. Monodiet

Such a diet - it is not only the strongest psychological stress, but also a real danger to health.

Whichever product you choose, in any case it will deprive you of essential vitamins and minerals, disrupt digestion and metabolism, and weight would return. If you prefer the traditional yogurt or apples, rich in acids, the risk to get gastritis, colitis and even ulcers. A buckwheat trigger constipation and vein problems, since it is rich in iron and tends to thicken the blood.

4. Protein diet

There are many variants of the protein diet, including the popular system Ducane and the Japanese diet, which are built on the same principle, based on the severe restriction of carbohydrates by avoiding grains, vegetables and fruits. The emphasis is on meat, fish, and in some cases, dairy products rich in protein.

But the human body can not live without carbohydrates, and together with the excess weight you will certainly begin to leave and health. Excess protein loads and it contributes to the formation of kidney stones, and in chemical processes carried out to convert the body protein in the required nutrients stand strong toxins.

5. Drinking diet

This diet is prescribed for 30 days eat only liquid food. At the same time you may be able to strike a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but the damage caused by the digestive system and metabolism, is irreparable.

Saliva released during chewing, starts the process of digestion, a food and fiber pieces, which are absent in the liquid food, stimulate bowel motility. Thus, drinking diet eventually leads to the atrophy of some parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Chocolate Diet

Such a diet also exists, and, if you follow instructions, it is necessary to eat 100 grams of dark chocolate, and drink an unlimited amount of coffee without sugar. The average duration of five to seven days. Weight loss in this is due to a sharp decline in calorie (in the chocolate bar contains 550 calories, on average).

In return, you acquire the lost kilos heartburn, persistent headaches due to fluctuations in blood glucose, as well as potential problems of intimate properties such as aberrant menstrual cycle and reduced libido, despite the fact that the chocolate itself is an aphrodisiac.

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