20 Benefits of Barley for Health

Barley is a type of grains that resemble their physical appearance barley grain which is also included in the family of plant grains. The content of nutrients contained in the barley:

    20 Benefits of Barley for  Health
  • Vegetable protein intact around 13 g
  • Fiber ranges from 19 g
  • Essential amino acids and Selenium
  • 35 mg calcium, phosphorus, manganese copper.
  • Natural sugar 0.8 g
  • Sodium 12 mg and 452 mg of potassium
  • Vitamin A is 24 IU
  • Vitamin B1, B2, B12, B6 and E
  • Zinc Magnesium 33 mg and 143 mg
  • Iron 3.6 mg calcium 35 mg
  • Monounsaturated fat 0.4 g
  • Polyunsaturated fat 1.2 g

This is a fact for health benefits of barley spoken:

1. Can prevent bone loss
Calcium backed by mineral type of phosphorus, manganese and copper can support bone density from the inside.

2. Avoid arthritis attacks
Substances existing copper on barley able to evade the body attacked arthritis, which can also apply to people who have elderly.

3. Can counteract free radicals
The full nutritional benefits can act as an antioxidant that is good enough to ward off free radical attacks from the air and in the body.

4. Lose excess weight
Essential amino acids contained in the barley can shed the calories, sugar and trans fats produced from residual waste food that has been consumed. Then may accelerate the burning of fat and lose excess weight.

5. Can reduce high blood pressure
Complete mineral substances and supported by the essential amino acids can destroy clots cholesterol, fat and excess sugar in the blood vessels, so blood pressure is always balanced.

6. Maintain a balance blood sugar levels
Fiber that is in the benefits of barley can be shed, crush and bind excess intake of sugar in the blood. Will then be processed by the kidneys, which will be wasted through urine and sweat so that the blood sugar levels are not increased as well as the absence of disease and diabetes.

7. Can avoid colon cancer
Fiber in addition to healthy blood sugar levels may also protect the intestine from virus attacks, dirt from residual waste food we eat and free radicals. In the end, will avoid developing bowel cancer cells that cause colon cancer.

8. Protect Bile from free radical attack
The soluble fiber contained in the barley has the ability to improve the performance of bile because fiber. Able to keep networks free from feces and bile of free radicals that result, can help digestion always in the best condition.

9. Improve bone strength
Calcium benefits are supported by phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and essential amino acids exist in barley can improve bone mass, to make it more robust and healthy and unavoidable loss. This also applies to people aged over 40's.

10. As aging inhibitors (anti-aging)
Minerals selenium species that exist on the benefits of barley can improve skin collagen, to stay balanced and promote the regeneration of dead skin from free radicals. Selenium can smooth the skin and tighten pores and improve the structure of the skin. The face will avoid the appearance of fine lines and always seemed ageless.

11. Eliminating the effects of cigarette smoke in the body
For passive smokers or people who accidentally inhale smoke from active smokers, the body has been contaminated with harmful substances contained in cigarettes, including the tobacco and nicotine. So if a person consumes barley diligently twice a day every day in moderate amounts, then anti-inflammatory substances and compounds present in barley fenon can inhibit the effects of tobacco and nicotine to be filtered by the kidneys. Further disposed of with other impurities through feces, urine and sweat.

12. Preventing anemia
For people who do routine work does not always pay attention to the level of nutrients they consume. This is due so dense work to be done. To prevent the body iron deficiency are advised to consume barley every day, morning and afternoon so stamina is maintained. For those who already suffer from anemia then consume barley can increase red blood cells in a systematic way.

13. It can reduce levels of a person's emotional
Barley is consumed regularly and consistently then reducing levels of one's emotions to be more calm and focused. Barley is calm and able to reduce the stress on a person who is burdened with serious problems.

14. Increase stamina and virility of men
Full of nutrients in barley can provide and increase stamina in the body better. Able to increase libido in men so, interrupted the bustle of the daily routine, it will not feel his body quickly feel exhausted.

15. Can deflates inflammation of ulcers
Barley has anti-bacterial and inflammatory content are high, so as to relieve the pain in inflammation to ulcers, as well as heal slowly.

16. Healthy liver tissue
Fiber, minerals and vitamins that are in barley can be joined to form a strong defense for the walls of the heart, in order to avoid damage due to virus attacks. Barley was able to block the movement of the liver virus that soon destroyed by an anti-virus is quite high which was owned by barley.

17. Can relieve the pain of arthritis
Pain in the bones and joints and neurological disorders in the surrounding bone tissue, can be caused you suffering from rheumatic diseases. The discomfort can be reduced by taking barley every day. Minerals and vitamins B complex the muscle tissue can repair nerves and relaxes the nerves of the body so slowly barley able to cure rheumatism.

18. Able to overcome anorexia
Anorexia is a person who refuses to eat for fear of fat or obsession is to always look skinny. This condition is very dangerous to health because they feared balanced nutrition in the body are not met. To meet the nutritional balanced advised on the people who develop anorexia to consume barley trust will not make the body into a fat or obese.

19. Improving the growth and development of the child's body
Children over 5 years of age or who is still in its infancy could consume barley every day after school. In order for the health of the organs remain well preserved and the growth of the body will increase from month to month, for example children fast high.

20. Increase the strength of teeth and gums healthy
Calcium, vitamin A, E and B as well as the complexity of the existing support of the phosphorus in the barley can combine to increase the strength and density of the teeth and keep the gums from bacterial attack. The oral cavity is always in good condition and healthy.

Barley can be any mixture of fruit juice and then add honey to taste the fresh and filling effect immediately felt some time after consumption. Benefits of barley has a satiating effect longer, but does not cause digestive problems or stomach, therefore the barley is suitable for low-fat diet program.

Who is not allowed to consume barley?
  • Wheat contains gluten which is quite a lot, as well as barley. Is it gluten? Gluten is a protein produced from glutenin and gliadin substances present in the wheat grains in a family in which it works are interrelated in the human body.
  • In some people there who are allergic to gluten that can cause sudden illness clod, stricken with anemia, abdominal pain, joint and muscle cramp, like being pulled taut and prolonged pain. If someone is allergic eat wheat then it is certain he's allergic to gluten and should not consume more even in small quantities, because the body will naturally reject the gluten that that person will experience headaches and abdominal pain, or joint and muscle will feel pain sustainable.

The weather was cold, the wind stayed up late nights and too often can make a person's body into the wind eventually leading to high fever. If a person is young or old high fever because of her fatigue, lack of sleep or due to weather cold night then consume barley is the best solution. nutrients contained therein can cure colds and fever quickly.

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