Dare You Tried Investment Reversed?
Saturday, July 05, 2014
Stock Investment - Invest upside is one approach to stock selection. If you want to make money, do not do what others do. Buy when everyone else is selling and hold until everyone else is buying. It's not just a slogan that tried to sound interesting, otherwise this is the essence of successful investing.
Investment upside is probably the most simple, powerful, and most reliable. The technique of making money ever devised by experts. Reverse investment will allow you to buy when the price is low and sell when the price is high for maximum profit. This technique works in every market, from gold and silver, for stocks, bonds, real estate, currencies, and collections.
Why? Human nature is the same everywhere. You do not need special academic training to benefit from the investment. All you need is an independent mind and an ounce of courage.
Buying and selling bad news good news is contrary to the behavior of most people. When a company eliminates dividend or chemical plant accidentally creates a toxic gas leak, investors tend to become fearful about the prospects for stocks. They tend to sell. If you want to make money, the attitude you just have to do the opposite: Buy. When prices go down, you have to be more cheerful, and as the price goes up you should be more concerned. Why? When prices go down, the price may be nearing a major price. When prices go up, you should be more concerned, because the highest peak approached. If you want to buy at low prices and sell at high prices, because all of us might want to do this, you have to train yourself to buy when everyone, including you, are feeling depressed, hopeless, and full of fear. Buy when all the news is bad. Sell when everyone is happy and the news was exciting, because it is perhaps the top point.
Unfortunately, too many people are just the opposite: they bought at high prices and sell at low prices. They are followers of the trend or, to give a more blunt terms, they are a crowd of followers. They were afraid when the price is above, and it is when they buy. The success of the investor is a trendsetter, not a trend follower. He managed to get in, and out, in front of crowds. To do this, you have to think for yourself. Yes, learn from others, by all means. Do not be stubborn. Being upside investor does not mean you think you are always right and everyone else is always wrong.
As you may listen to others, take what you hear with a grain of salt. Be skeptical. Never surrender your right to judge for yourself whether someone is talking sense or nonsense. It's your money. It's your decision. No one else will take over your losses to their responsibilities. If you are going to take control of your investments, you must first take control of your emotions.