Orange Skin - New Medication For Cholesterol?

Generally when eating citrus fruits, we would throw away the skin. Well, now, try to collect the rest of the skin. This section will be very beneficial to the body. According to Rebecca Wood, author of "The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia ', orange contains more than 60 flavonoids and 170 different phytonutrient. Reported by the Times of India, following the orange skin benefits to the body.

Anti Cholesterol
Orange peel oil has to be as anti miktroba and anti-inflammatory. Its oil content, which is essential d-limonene, is able to maintain stability by maintaining digestive bowel movements and relieve stomach acid.

Orange Skin - New Medication For Cholesterol?In other findings also show that orange peel able to dissolve cholesterol and triglycerides. That is, eating orange peel in the form of a powder, or a mixture of the food can also be beneficial for people with high cholesterol levels. Flavonoids in orange peel was effective against colon cancer.

Anti Insomnia
For those of you who often experience sleep disturbances or insomnia, orange peel can also help overcome them. You stay soak in warm water with a sprinkling of orange peel. Aroma and oil to make the body more relaxed.

Anti Acne
As for beauty, orange peel able to balance the oil levels. It also makes a subtle texture and soft. This is because the orange peel acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and bacterial.
Dry orange peel also acts as a natural exfoliator, which is able to lift dead skin cells, blackheads, spots on the face, and works well to ward off acne.

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