6 Benefits of Camellia Leaf Leaf for Beauty

Camellia leaf or leaves of camellia may not have been too popular sounds in your ear. however, basically camellia leaf is already quite widely used, especially in the cosmetics industry. Camellia leaf itself is still fit into the type of tea plant family, which means, camellia leaf can still be processed into hot drinks  tea camellia.

Shape and color of camellia leaf is similar to the shape and color of the tea plant, especially green tea benefits of green tea alias. Leaf camellia leaf also has a fragrance that is fairly typical, because it has a blend of fragrant flowers with fragrant tea into one.

6 Benefits of Camellia Leaf Leaf for Beauty
Camellia leaf itself can currently be used for two things, namely as a raw material in cosmetic products and as a beverage. It is emphasized that basically camellia leaf has two important benefits, ie benefits as cosmetics and beauty salon, as well as the benefits of the drink.

Benefits of camellia leaves leaf for beauty is shown from the many beauty products are widely used. Here are some uses leaves of camellia leaf for beauty.

1. Keeping the skin moist
The first benefit of the leaves of camellia leaf as a beauty product is that it can help the skin retain moisture. Yes, ready who do not want to have skin that is always moist and not dry every day? Dry and rough skin is reducing the beauty of your body, therefore, a lot of people who wish that their skin becomes more moist and not abusive. Use a lotion that has the content of this leaf camellia leaves for optimal results on your skin, and prevents your skin becomes dry, scaly and rough.

2. Brighten the skin
Another benefit of the leaves of camellia leaf for health and beauty of your skin is that it can help brighten your skin. yes, with this ability, it is not impossible that the skin was dull and unpleasant to look at, being very bright, beautiful and shining. The leaves of camellia leaf is one of the raw materials that are able to provide the brightness of the skin throughout your body.

3. Whiten skin
Besides being able to brighten the skin, leaves of camellia leaf is the raw material of lotion and beauty products also have huge potential remedy to help whiten your skin. You can use a lotion that has the basic ingredients camellia leaf leaves regularly to whiten your skin. and great again, the leaves of camellia leaf does not have side effects that can damage your skin.

4. Anti-bacterial, prevent skin irritation
Do you often experience skin irritation when using certain beauty products? or you feel that your beauty products actually cause a lot of bacteria and germs into the skin? Then do not worry about when trying to use beauty products that use basic ingredients of this leaf camellia leaves. The leaves of camellia leaf contains anti-bacterial, so no need to worry about the bacteria that gets stuck in your skin. So no need to worry about the risk of irritation to your skin due to the use of beauty products.

5. Keeping maintain skin health.
The leaves of camellia leaf contains the benefits of vitamin E is quite high. It is also the underlying use of camellia leaf leaves this as a raw material in the lotion and beauty products. Leather, as we all know is in desperate need of vitamin E to maintain healthy and absorb nutrients. So, certainly, the leaves of camellia leaf is very much beneficial.

6. Can reduce acne
Because the content of anti-bacteria, the leaves of camellia leaf being cosmetic products you can use to treat and prevent acne on your face. no need to worry about the impact of irritation on your face, because the content of the leaves of camellia leaf is safe to use, and will not aggravate acne on your face, even to help kill the bacteria that cause acne

In addition as a raw material in cosmetics and beauty tools, the benefits of this leaf camellia leaves are used as tea or drinks and aroma therapy. The fragrance of the leaves of camellia leaf characteristic will help anyone who inhale the fragrance becomes more calm and relaxed as well, so it is suitable to be used as an aroma therapy and also the tea is brewed.

In addition, the substances contained in the leaves of camellia leaf also does not vary much with the content of tea in general, so that when we consume the leaves of camellia leaf in a drink brewed or made into a tea, will be calming, refreshing, relax. Of course, the use of leaf tea camellia leaf also contains high antioxidant benefits, so it is able to counteract free radicals that are harmful to the health of our bodies.

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