How to Quickly Increase Slim With Calcium

Are you among those who avoid milk and other dairy products in order to prevent weight gain? If yes, you need to know the fact that there are studies that show the additional functions of calcium, which is to enhance the body's ability to burn fat.

How to Quickly Increase Slim With Calcium
Research has shown that when one increases the intake of calcium in the diet, it will also increase the breakdown of fat and fat production is reduced. As a result, total fat will be reduced.

Some people also believe that a low calorie diet can not lose weight quickly. That's because the body will quickly feel hungry. As a result, some dieters reduce the intake of milk and dairy products that they believe can lead to weight gain.

But in fact, milk is a source of calcium for people who want to diet because the lactose in milk can increase calcium absorption.

Calcium stored in fat cells that plays an important role in regulating how fat is stored and broken down by the body. It is estimated that more calcium in fat cells, the more fat to be burned. Thus, dieters would be better if they replace high-fat dairy products with low-fat milk.

How much calcium should be consumed and what are the best sources of calcium?

According to the National Academy of Sciences, the intake of calcium for adult men and women between 19 to 50 years is 1000 mg per day.

Good sources of calcium include milk and other dairy products, green leafy vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, but not spinach), soya beans, almonds, tofu, sesame, as well as edible fish with bones such as sardines. Consume two glasses of low-fat dairy per day provide 1000 mg of calcium.

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